It was the explosive mood in The oval office, when president Donald Trump on Tuesday night, Norwegian time met the Democratic leader in the house of Representatives ,Nancy Pelosi, and senator Charles Chuck Schumer. Trump presses still on for the much talked about grensemuren against Mexico, which he wants to spend five billion dollars on.

But the Democrats have so far only agreed to allocate more than one billion dollars to grensesikring – which is equivalent to a continuation of the current level of security. It puts the minds of the three politicians in the kok – live on american TELEVISION.

Threatening “shutdown”

– We have great support among republicans, but not among Democrats. But we should talk about it now. One thing I can say, is that large parts of the wall already built. We have restored many old parts and built several new ones. We will continue with, and in one way or another are wall ready. That border security is extremely important, ” says Trump.

FIRST YEAR: Donald Trump is now finished with his first year as U.s. president, and it has been to say the least eventful. Video: AP/CNN Editing: Ørjan Ryland View more

Pelosi was Tuesday night clear in his speech to the president when it came to grensemuren:

You will not win this. And the fact is that you don’t have the votes you need, ” she says and directs the comment towards Trump and his lack of support from the democrats in the senate when it comes to milliardbevilgninger to the wall.

Donald Trump has already threatened with what he calls a “shutdown”, it will say that the financing of all non-essential government operations in the united STATES is shut off, already in the end of next week. In the aftermath of the meeting has Pelosi and Schumer sent out a joint statement, where they tell that the president has received an ultimatum from them.

We have given the president two options that will keep the government open. It is now up to him whether he will choose one of them or trigger a “shutdown”, then type the two.

the Democrats can force the “shutdown” in the united STATES: – do Not keep the kids or the military as hostages

It will mean that businesses such as public museums, parks, and medical research can be affected if not the Democrats will follow his desire to spend five billion dollars, or 40 billion Norwegian kroner, on the grensemuren.

the Deadline the president has set so far, is 21. December.

– For that border security

on Tuesday underlined the Trump that he is not afraid to make use of such means to achieve its policies. The requirement of five billion dollars was also emphatically repeated on the president’s Twitter account Tuesday.

If we do not get what we want, in one way or another, so it will be a “shutdown” of the government. And I will be proud … I would be proud to implement a “shutdown” for that border security our. We need border security. The people flowing into our country, including terrorists, ” says Trump.

the President must, nevertheless, realize that he in the course of two years has not managed to collect a majority of votes in the senate for his high desired grensemur. It despite the fact that the wall was one of his highest priorities during the election campaign in 2016.

Budsjettfristen went out without an agreement. Now we are ready for the “shutdown”