There is a known issue that president Donald Trump is happy in his “Executive Time”, a euphemism introduced by his recently avgåtte chief of staff John Kelly.

the Term to describe the unstructured time the president uses to do everything from tweet, watch tv, read newspapers or take phone calls.

Now reveal the site Axious, who has gotten hold of the president’s calendar from anonymous sources in The white house, just how much of the time that goes with the kind of.

60 per cent

the Calendars Axious has got hold of, showing that Trump since the day after mellomvalget in the united STATES, which was held 6. november of last year, has listed 60% of the time on “Executive Time”.

In January of last year talked about CNN Trumps morgenrutiner, which should include plenty of diet Coke, skumlesing of today’s newspapers and a good round on Twitter.

While his predecessors often arrived at the oval office every morning at nine o’clock, to Trump prefer to start the day where he feels most comfortable and unrestrained in its own housing. Nevertheless, it says in the calendar that Trump staying in the office from o’clock eight to eleven in the morning.

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I don’t like to plan too much. I hold the door open. You can’t be a imaginative entrepreneur if you have too much structure. I prefer to go to work every day and just see how it evolves, wrote Trump in his book “The Art of The Deal”, which was released in 1987.

It may appear that he stands firmly by the quote of the day today.

“Secret” meetings

the calendar entries Axious has disclosed, do not contain the complete overview of all meetings to the president. Some meetings are not listed because they just happens on impulse, or because they are known only to the innermost circle.

Axious writes that he conducts several meetings during the so-called “Executive”-time to avoid the west wing, where the majority of the staff hold to, to know about them.

When the Spanish newspaper North went through the president’s calendar in October of last year, it was revealed that there was a set of nine hours of “the Executive Hour” several enkeltdager.

deputy Director of the center for ethics and public policy, Yuvuan Levin, said at the time that the lack of structure suggests a lack of sum decisions and discipline, which can be a big problem as the president.

Pressesekretær in The white house, Sarah Sanders, says in a comment to Axios’ article that Trump has a different leadership style than his predecessors, and that the results speak for themselves.

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