200 kronor more in their wallets next year. Or equal to small 17 dollars a month after tax.

this is what The Danish pensioners as 82-year-old Birger Carlsson get extra because of the new budget law.

– It sounds good enough not by very much, he says, while he sits on his walker outside the apartment in Husum.

The modest christmas gift for single pensioners, who are on full benefit and live for rent, stands in stark contrast to the DF-the peak of reports in connection with the bill recently. DF’s chairman, Kristian Thulesen-Dahl, beat namely fixed, that the agreement provides a ‘real boost’ for the latter.

Overall gets the poorest pensioners 3800 dollars more next year, but by far the most money had they gotten anyway as a result of the general regulation of the overførselindkomsterne.

This group represents 40 percent of the Danish pensioners, according to the Older Case.

For the 200 dollars can a pensioner for example, buy a half hour of home care from a private company.

In the coming years the amount will gradually increase, so that the most disadvantaged pensioners in the year 2025, given the 1850 dollars more per year than they do today. It is equivalent to 154 dollars per month. It happens, because the pensioners no longer must pay into the rate adjustment pool, which they have done, since it was introduced in 1990.

It shows figures from the ministry of Finance.

During the ældreordfører, Astrid Krag, is surprised by the small boost to the most disadvantaged older people.

When I saw the figures from the ministry of Finance, I thought at first that it had to be 200 dollars more a month. It ranks not far, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

She is pleased that pensioners are getting a financial helping hand, but do not understand the government and the DF’s priority.

– It leaves the people who have least of all, with a very small lift.

And when the general welfare at the same time is challenged by the demographics, she sees the consequences for themselves.

– You may ask yourself, how much it is worth to get the money to buy a bad of the year, if the municipality, at the same time, must save, so the weekly bath, you are eligible for, is being replaced with a wash with wet wipes, she says.

In 2019 comes around 25,000 more citizens over the age of 70. Therefore, Erik Bjørsted, who is chief economist in the University Business council, that there is not enough enough money to ensure the welfare.

– the Problem is that public expenditure can not cover the demographics. If one is to ensure an unchanged level of per. citizen, it is necessary with a larger growth in public consumption. It puts the here bill are in no way up to, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

demographic features

With the finance act of 2019 will be the public consumption increased by 0.4 percent amounting to about 2 billion.

It happens, while at the same time there will be more users of the public sector. Only in 2019 will benefit the whole of the 25,000 citizens over the age of 70.

Calculations from the Labour movement Business council shows that public consumption does not hang together with the development. The calculations show that if the service level should be unchanged for the individual citizen, the public consumption increased by 3.5 billion crowns.

It is what is called the demographic.

Thus missing 1.5 billion dollars, to the level of service the public can follow with demographics according to the Arbejderbevægelsesns Erhvervsråds calculations.

Pensioners: – It is rude

Birger Carlsson is 200 dollars more a year not that big. Photo: Anthon Unger

The retired upholsterer’t going to spend the money on private care, but rather on his annual trip to Thailand.

– I can get a good day in Thailand for the money, but at home it’s not even enough for a taxi to the airport, he says dry.

The 200 million, which the poor pensioners get with the finance act of 2019, a gorgeous comforter, believes Niels on 87. Photo: Anthon Unger

In Husumvængets beboerkantine can 87-year-old Niels, who will not have his name in the newspaper, did not see the big scam in to get a little more money, while the money in the public sector make it harder for them to turn to.

– It is frankly a bit of a comforter. It is outrageous that they do not give more money to welfare. When home care comes to visit, when they are bad enough to remove his jacket, before they are out again, ” he says.



the Danish people’s finansordfører, René Christensen, is one of them that sat at the negotiating table and has left its imprint on the budget bill for 2019.

– What do you say to the most disadvantaged pensioners really only get 200 dollars more in available funds next year?

– It is the 200 dollars per year, has made to pensioners missing 8000 dollars in their pension. So if we do not had stopped their payment to the rate adjustment pool, so they would be eroded even more by the year.

– But now gives them so only 200 dollars more in rådighedsbeløbet?

– Their available funds increases 200 dollars after tax, but the amount they get for more than 3800 kroner before tax in relation to 2018.

– Kristian Thulesen Dahl would call it a real boost in rådighedsbeløbet? Do you also it?

– It may well be that there is someone who thinks that the 200 dollars is a small amount, but what you need to look at is that folkepensionisterne not lose purchasing power, as they have done in the past.

– According to AE missing 1.5 billion dollars for welfare, because there will be about 25,000 more than 70 years. Is it not a bit of a comforter In the have made?

– It is a strange scale. If you ordered all hjemmehjælperne to run in the Mercedes, so it would be really expensive. The Danish people’s Party has helped to find eight billion dollars on immigration matters up to 2025, and it is money that we can use on the elderly.