Police reports about the arrest clock 1 the night of Wednesday. The two are arrested, are from the district.
– as of now we do not know what led to the incident. It needs further investigation to attempt to clarify, type the Agder police district on Twitter.
– the Boys were apprehended at two different addresses, ” says operasjonsleder Ole Bjørn Kleivane to VG.
the Arrest should have happened without drama, and Kleivane says the boys will probably be questioned in the course of the night.
It was first stated that the man had critical injuries, but eventually it turned out that it was not the case. The man was treated at the emergency ward in the Mandal for lacerations to his head, and his condition is regarded as stable.
Police got the message about the incident, which occurred outdoors, at 20.39. According to Fædrelandsvennen was knivofferet found at the Oranienburg car in Mandal city centre. The victim should be known to the police from before.
the Case is being investigated by Mandal police station.