This Sunday, it’s been two years since Donald Trump on the steps of the Capitol as the President of the United States was sworn in. Mid-term so, at least in his first term. The image that is left in the U.S., Trump’s, is embarrassing.

For nearly a month, parts of the government are closed. At the world economic forum in Davos, the US will not be represented in government. Federal employees on furlough must obtain their food in soup kitchens, others will be summoned, without a salary as an air traffic controller to work in a police or border guards. Is accompanied by the longest Shutdown in the history of the country from the public is That between the President and the leaders of the Democrats in Congress. Make America Great Again? Rather less.

The dispute over the budget is the logical consequence of a strategy that Trump followed since the first Hearings. He makes policy for those Americans who have elected him – and only for this. The balance, he can show in their eyes, is not bad: unemployment is low, salaries are on the rise. Trump has appointed a record pace, with conservative judges and a record number of regulations broken down, he bailed out of the climate Treaty of Paris, and has restricted immigration. One of his most important promise remains unfulfilled: the construction of a wall on the border to Mexico, the symbol should stand for a hard to a migration policy. Trump is abandoning incapable of it, without losing the most loyal part of his base.

The longest Shutdown in the history of the United States, the logical consequence of Donald trump’s half-time in the office.

Why the President has no room, illustrates a number of the Gallup Institute published this week. 40 percent of fraud Trumps average consent rate in the first two years of his presidency. Since the beginning of the shutdown, this value dropped to 37 percent. None of his predecessors since the Second world war was over the duration of the unpopular. Trump has managed to increase his fan base even a little bit – he even tried it never.

it would have been given this opportunity. With a waiver of the hate rhetoric, which was its previous immigration policy was fulfilled. With the focus on some of the program points that keep many Democrats is a good idea. The construction of new “roads, bridges, airports and Railways” announced by the President at his Inauguration two years ago, failed to materialize. Instead of in Washington, “the swamp drying”, surrounded Trump in his government with people of a corruption scandal in the next stumbled.

focusing on his base is in view of the fact that he States, owed his choice to a narrow number of votes in a handful of, is a risky strategy. In the mid-term elections lost Trumps party so many seats in the house of representatives it has been since the Watergate scandal. The consequences of this power loss is Trump to feel now. While the President of the walls in the White house as in a fortress, gather outside the gates of his enemies.

The lonely, the President is, the more dependent he is the most loyal part of his base.

Since the Democrats in the house of representatives, which are driven by, the conflicts of interest and corruption cases in Trumps environment to light. As special investigator Robert Mueller, the Russia-study advanced last Trump getting closer and closer. As former allies, such as his lawyer Michael Cohen, who have contacted with all of your insider knowledge against him.

there Should be evidence that Trump Cohen instructed to lie to the Congress, would be the initiation of impeachment proceedings would be likely to. And since the opponent in their own ranks are finally. A long time the Republicans were in shock before the man they had committed, but at last it gave in the Senate are signs that this is at least selectively.

All this means that the sense of permanent emergency, as it is around the Shutdown can be felt to reinforce it. And the lone Trump gets, the more he must rely on his most loyal followers. He will still be trying to pursue a policy that will secure him the support of his base.

in the past two years, the President had a series of ideas, of which his advisers dissuaded could just. To the withdrawal of the USA from Nato, the Trump, apparently, considered the attack on Iran that he desired temporarily, the dismissal of special Prosecutor Mueller. The Shutdown shows that the President shy away from politics on the edge of the abyss.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 18.01.2019, 20:03 PM