“Ultraextrema ICE-prisoners spreading fear in the camp of the”

“the Camps in eastern Syria, where IS fighters are being held prisoner is described as a powder keg for jihadism.”

“Tensions are strong between the different groups, and the most hard-line extremists spreading fear in the camp, telling the prisoners.”

“Then kurdiskdominerade forces has taken what’s been described as terrorist organisations Islamic state’s last stronghold of al-Baghuz have ICE-men, women and children in the past few months been pouring out of the area and been locked up in the camp, al-Hol.”

“There are about 9 000 foreigners, including swedes, in a special enclosure. They are escorted by armed guards when they are going to the market or fetch food rations.”

” We do not have the same mentality. They (the most extreme) wish to force on us their view of islam, ” says Vanessa, convert from Guyana in south America, which joined in 2013 with husband and children.”

“– They call us infidels, ” she says.”

“Lägerinvånarna pointing out the prisoners of certain nationalities as more extreme than the other.”

“the Women and children must be reintegrated into their home countries, considers Abdel Karm Omar, representative of the semi-independent kurdish government that controls in northeastern Syria. Otherwise they will become ”

“A woman threatens to hit a photographer while the other, who want to come home and claim that they regret that they joined the ICE, is all the more willing to talk.”

“Also a belgian, who came to Syria in 2013, describes how some prisoners in al-Hol has”

“They scare me,” she says.”

“– They can burn down our tent and do what they want with us.”

“At the entrance to the foreign area can be seen several women from, inter alia, Algeria and Ukraine. They argue that it is their turn to go to the market. In the dust around them mixed blond and central asian children.”

“Phones are confiscated”

“the Women returning from the market with wagons full of eggs, potatoes, diapers and gas. Everything is examined carefully by the guards, who have orders to seize, register, and store the unusual valuables and mobile phones. These security measures shall prevent those residing in the camp do not steal from each other, are smuggling goods or contact with the outside world, ” says Hassan.”

“the Guards of the root in a black handbag and takes a phone and a small piece of paper with a contact number.”

“– It is not mine, it belongs to my friend, claiming the tunisian owner.”

“In another bag to find the guards a ring and a heavy gold chain, carefully hidden in a small plastic bag. The upset owner trying in vain to pry up the guard’s hands and take back their things.”

“– She’s not going back into the camp, for her to the cell, ” says the guard.”

“the Woman then grabs hold of the barbed wire, and yells out his complaint.”

“On 23 march, declared the kurdiskdominerade forces in the SDF of the Islamic state’s last stronghold of al-Baghuz as recaptured.”

“Civilians have in recent months been pouring out of the area in eastern Syria near the iraqi border in the thousands.”

“Men, who had fought for the ICE, can be suspected of war crimes and terrorism have been placed in special camps, as well as their relatives. Among them are an unknown number of swedes.”

“Sweden is among the countries that do not want to help their citizens back, and that is in favour of a special international tribunal for the ICE-supporters suspected of crimes.”

“Save the children has advocated that the children should be taken care of.”