Filippo Grandi, the UN high Commissioner for refugees, has criticised the tone of the debate about asylum seekers. At the same time, he thanked but also in Germany.

Filippo Grandi is a gestikulier joyful Italians. But the UN high Commissioner for refugees fails as often as accidentally hitting the microphone on his table, the is also the fact that he talks so in a Rage.

“In three and a half decades, I have never experienced such toxicity. So much poison. Whether in the language of the policy, in the media or Social media. And even in everyday debates around this topic.”

This theme: the is the its – the Plight of refugees. Whether currently, Libya or Venezuela, whether for years, Syria or Yemen. The list could go on and on. Almost 70 million Displaced people wandering, Grandi. For comparison: Germany’s population currently stands at just under 83 million.

Grandi in a refugee camp in Northern Kenya.

crisis – but for whom?

The most left their homeland because of war and conflict, they were expelled. Without these crises, refugee flows would end, the UN high Commissioner convinced – and thus also the so-called refugee crisis, on the Europe debate so heated.

“Before we begin to talk about it is to remember, but useful for whom is this really a crisis. It is a crisis for a mother trying to escape with her children from Gang violence. And it is a crisis for governments in countries with little means, which is open every day their borders to thousands of refugees. For them it is a crisis!”

He says, Latin America, and 3.5 million refugees from Venezuela. He thinks Bangladesh as a host country for hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees. Or Syria’s neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey or Iraq.

criticism of the United States

The United States did not fit into this picture. The President is of the opinion that the country is full, can’t take any more. Jonathan Cohen, the U.S. representative in the security Council, more diplomatic.

“The United States wants to help them, the reasons beyond their Power displaced persons. We remain the largest donor in the world for humanitarian purposes. And the global Pact for refugees is a Basis for predictable action and better sharing of the burden of the member States.”

Interesting – since last December, the United States in the UN General Assembly voted against this document.

thanks to Germany

Germany fits into Filippo Grandi picture of the crisis. The Germany that currently has the presidency of the security Council and Germany, the refugee would like to thank the high Commissioner for the time being.

“Thank you to a country that was one of the most important supporters in the refugee question and is – in their own country. In Europe and in the world.”