on Tuesday night went to Theresa May at a crushing defeat in the house of commons then it should be voted over brexit-the agreement she has framforhandlet with the EUROPEAN union.

202 voted yes, and 432 voted no. Thus, the question is whether Britain’s future is still in the blue.

– Very dramatic

Also Theresa May can sit unsafe, after that Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn immediately after the vote put forth a vote of confidence.

So can this house give their judgment on the obvious incompetence of this government, ” said Corbyn.

Jan Erik Mustad, the united Kingdom expert and senior lecturer at the University of Agder, reviews, and tonight’s vote as “the greatest loss for a prime minister in the house of commons in 100 years”.

– Under normal circumstances, she would said thank you to him immediately. But the situation is not particularly normal, ” says Jan Erik Mustad to the Newspaper.

Before the vote predicted he May come to lose the poll with over 200 votes. It turned out to be a good analysis, when May finally lost with 230 votes.

– It is very dramatic, ” says Mustad.

Braknederlag for May: the hotel Boasts 230 votes – Chaotic and unstructured

Already before Corbyn framsatte his vote of confidence said May that she was tuned in to the debate, unless it was spawned.

from Wednesday to Corbyns vote of confidence debated in the house of commons. The big question then is of course about Corbyn can get enough support to overturn the whole government, anything he can get.

in Order to get it he must, among other things gain support from the scottish nasjonalistpartiet.

– It is obvious that the scottish nationalists have decided whether they will support the proposal or not, but we don’t know what they have decided. That is where the excitement is, if he gets enough support to overthrow the government. He gets it, so must the 29. march will be exposed and there must be new elections, ” says Mustad.

29. march there two years ago May triggered the so-called article 50 of the EU treaty. The united kingdom may, in consultation with the EU, exposing the brexit for a while.

But since the british parliamentarians today voted down Mays skilsmisseavtale with the EUROPEAN union, run the risk of the united Kingdom to break out of the EU already in march, without any agreement.

” the Situation is chaotic and unstructured. It shows the rift in the parliament. The divide runs across the political parties and shows how divided the british people are. The divide runs across the four nations and across social classes. These rifts are very deep, and has been there for a long time. But now comes the fronts up and is very steep, ” says Mustad.

VOTED NO: The british parliament says no to Theresa Mays brexit agreement with the EUROPEAN union. Video: AP/ NTB Scanpix Show more New chapter in the “chaos-Uk”

He has been one of those who has advocated for a new referendum to get fixed up in the situation.

– There is an equally passable way as everything else with the chaos that comes now. This chaos will not gain anything sluttsvar, now opens the new chapter in Chaos-the united Kingdom. It must be a forrykning, either by a new government or by a referendum, to move forward, ” says Mustad.

But a new referendum has not May been so interested in?

– No, she has very clear, in any case, before tonight, said that there will be no postponement and no new options. She has said that we will deliver brexit, and it is my job. It is honorable enough, that it is her job, her duty, she feels. The people have decided. The obligation she felt very strongly, and she believes it is wrong to override the referendum with a new one.

basically, Theresa May is now three days to present a plan B. This is now slightly postponed due to a vote will take place from Corbyn.

Exactly what plan B is, is not known to the public. Should May be fields of a vote of confidence in the house of commons, there will be new elections. A choice if the outcome of the also is very uncertain.

– Gets a vote will take place to Corbyn momentum, as is the postponement of the EU-utmeldingen). But, in a new parliamentary elections so you know the not who wins. Labour is also split in it, so even if Corbyn would get support for a vote will take place, so it is not sure that he manages to win the election, ” says Mustad.

Regardless of what is the outcome of a vote will take place, as is the way forward extremely unclear. As Theresa May herself said that after the defeat in the house of commons:

– It is clear that this house do not support this agreement. But this doesn’t tell us anything about what they support. It tells neither how, and if, it respects the people’s decision.

– This is not the end, but the beginning of the problems