“Uneven the fight in anticipation of the thai valvinnare”

“The past weekend’s parliamentary elections in Thailand is criticized by asian observers that have benefitted the parties close to the ruling military junta. Furthermore, the counting of messy, something that creates mistrust and doubt, according to the organization Asian Network for Free Elections (Anfrel).”

“– Many people still doubt the election process, ” says Amaël Vier at Anfrel.”

“the Organization was not established that cheating occurred but did not squarely on the issue of elections had been free and fair.”

“– Many aspects have to be taken under consideration. It would not be right to conclude that the entire process has been free and fair, or that it has not been there, ” says Anfrels chairman Rohana Nishanta.”

“The largest opposition party, Pheu Thai, have pointed to major shortcomings during the election and considering whether to make the election results to the court.”

“Both Pheu Thai and the military junta to some extent due they at the same time, the possibilities to form koalitionsregeringar.”

“But even if the opposition parties collectively have a majority of the votes cast in the election means there is no right to form a government. The military has written about the constitution so that it shall appoint the members to parliament’s upper house, the senate.”

“And because the senate and the house of commons, also known as the house of representatives, together appoint regeringsbildare need, therefore, the opposition significantly more seats (376) than the junta’s allies (126) in order to secure a majority in parliament. An unequal battle, in other words.”

“The main opposition party Pheu Thai has so far received the most votes, according to preliminary figures from the country’s electoral commission.”

“the Further a situation is expected on Friday when the turnout in each district is presented.”

“A final result can, however, take until the 9th of may.”

“In the election on 24 march in Thailand to the lower house of parliament, the house of representatives, asked the 68 candidates for the post of prime minister up, but the fight is mainly between these two:”

“the Junta’s leader and incumbent prime minister who has tried to have a softer, folkligare image ahead of the elections. On his Instagramkonto he has pictures of himself when he was cooking and train rides with small children. Prayuth has also written a ballad about the benefits provided by democracy with the title ”

“The 65-year-old former army chief was the one who led the military coup in 2014 that ousted Yingluck Shinawatras government after violent protests.”

“Prayuth leads the party Phalang Pracharat and is popular among ärkerojalister and the Bangkokbaserade the elite. Since the coup he has been behind the creation of the upper house of parliament, the senate, which gives him a huge advantage when the parliament shall appoint the prime minister.”

“the top candidate for the Pheu Thai party with ties to the former prime ministers Thaksin Shinawatra and his sister Yingluck Shinawatra, which was overthrown in the military coup of 2014, and with the support of the countryside.”

“Sudarat sat in Thaksins government, but were forbidden to hold public office for five years after the government was overthrown in 2006.”

“She is the leader of the opposition since the allied party Thai Raksa Chart this month denied the right to stand in the election. The constitutional court then decided that the party violated the election code by appointment of king Maha Vajiralongkorns sister, exprinsessan Ubolratana, who premiärministerkandidat. The king took the open away from her candidacy.”