“Unexpected developments in the circus World”

“Julian Assange gave up their freedom in order to escape the accusations of sex crimes in Sweden.”

“Perhaps thrown away instead in prison for the courageous and morally righteous revelations about war crimes.”

“and you’ll see a Greek tragedy for our time.”

“That Assange after seven years on an embassy are arrested by the british police is no sensation. Ecuador has in recent years expressed more and more vocal irritation at being forced to accomodate him, and then a period of time, signals that the protection shall cease to come more and more often.”

“Before the tv cameras dragged the white-haired and bearded man, once acclaimed for the fearless revelations about the corruption and war crimes, internetepokens Mick Jagger, out of the police officers who didn’t care in the slightest if his yawning and gesturing.”

“There is rise, there is a case.”

“Wikileaksgrundarens home for a period of time beyond a police station, with an interruption for transportation to and from the court, Westminster Magistrates Court for the legal gyrations that now follows.”

“What happens now? Assange broke against the british provisions on bail as he was in June 2012 into the Ecuadorian embassy in London and sought asylum. “

“Where has he held press conferences, travelled on a skateboard in the corridors and received guests like Pamela Anderson.”

“To the security guards of the embassy building has cost the Uk millions of pounds through the years will not make the judge he faces more cheerful. Assange runs the risk of imprisonment.”

“in Addition, the united states has requested his extradition. The hearing shall be made within the short. Assange has reasons to be worried: the united states and the united kingdom have a very close relationship.”

“the president of Ecuador Lenín Moreno says that the country kicked out the Marines on his own volition, but the course of events has, of course, föregåts of talks with London and Washington.”

“well, what happens now? The Swedish public prosecutor, whose conduct in this case through the years leaves some to be desired, has announced that the closed investigation can be reopened.”

“Perhaps it is possible to go further with the investigation of suspected sexual offences. But I would be surprised if a prosecution is brought. Many years have passed, memories fade.”

“And there is otherwise a time aspect that is of importance. The british are probably keen to bring him to justice, the united states wants him and the Swedish suspicions become statute-barred if more than a year.”

“How it had gone if Assange found himself in an extradition to Sweden in the autumn of 2010, we do not know. I do not think that the suspicion held for a conviction, but even if he were sentenced to prison, he had long ago been free and been able to settle somewhere where the united states does not reach him.”

“the Fear of losing freedom did he miss out the. Even so, a paradox.”

“the Fact is that the time Assange stayed at the embassy is longer than what a Swedish sentence together with the maximum five years he is said to can get in the united states had been.”

“David Cameron announced the referendum on the EUROPEAN union and fylledansken attacked the referee during a test match in football against Sweden.”

“To the category of less brilliant strategists join the ranks of Julian Assange.”

“Some people love this story. Those who hate the Swedish sexualbrottlagar love it. Those who hate the united states love it. Those who have an aptitude for conspiracy theories, love it.”

“the Serial may appear as a farce, but a tragedy for the people it is about. Two women have likely been denied the opportunity to seek legal redress and a chance of redress.”

“And even if it doesn’t happen anything with the Swedish preliminary investigation, he has no reason to feel like winners.”

“It could end up with it that sends Julian Assange in jail is what has been forgotten in the story of this man. What he did was morally right. “

“To help Chelsea Mannings reveal american war crimes in Iraq, including the murder of civilians and journalists.”

“Although it is a tragedy. “