The health system of Ex-President Obama remains in force. The US judge, the “Obamacare” declared unconstitutional, suspended his sentence. Reason: He wanted to produce no uncertainty.

by a judge in the US state of Texas for unconstitutional health care system “Obamacare,” explained remains until the appeal decision is in force. Judge Reed O’connor has suspended his own ruling against health care reform by Ex-President Barack Obama.

While he was still on his position that the entire law was unconstitutional, wrote O’connor. But many ordinary Americans would face “great uncertainty” if its decision would be implemented immediately. This means that “Obamacare” remains for the duration of the litigation. The appeal process is expected to take at least a year.

lawsuit against Reform

O’connor had caused with its decision in mid-December for riot. He gave in his judgment several of the Republicans, which had filed a complaint against the controversial Reform of the U.S. health care system.

The judge referred in his decision on a tax reform by 2017, with a penalty to citizens without health insurance had been abolished. The penalty payment was a “Central component” of “Obamacare”, stated O’connor. Since she was now abolished, had to be deleted from the entire program.

While US President Donald Trump as a “great victory” speech, announced the opposition Democrats immediately appealed the verdict. The case will now go before the Supreme court.

Trumps campaign promises: to “Obamacare”?


Trump, the abolition of the health reform of his predecessor had made a promise to one of his Central election campaign. 2017 proposed, however, two attempts of the Republicans in the US Congress will fail because the party was not able to close their own ranks. Trump and the Republicans have pierces, the System, however, since then, through various individual measures.

The U.S. Supreme court had already ruled in 2012, “Obamacare” will be maintained. The five of the nine Supreme Court judges who had voted for the retention, in the office. It is unclear, however, how you will judge in the present case. In 2012, it went to the question of whether the abolished now by the Congress – penalty is right or not.

US judge Obamacare to be declared unconstitutional, 15.12.2018 Strong demand for Obamacare, despite Trump, 15.12.2017 Atlas |USA |Washington D. C.

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