“The game of the government”

“Vänsterväljarna: Let Stefan Löfven to become prime minister”

“the left party leadership of the tiger as the great wall – but their constituents are convinced:”

“Jonas Sjöstedt should let Stefan Löfven to become prime minister. “

“An investigation by the Aftonbladetu002FInzio shows that a majority of V-sympathizers want the parliament to accept of the S-leader on Friday. “

“– It shows that support for Sjöstedt line is strong, ” says Karin Nelsson, opinionschef on the Inzio. “

“They discussed for two hours. At 21:30 on Tuesday night completed the Decisions in their the meeting can take decisions in the game about the government. “

“What V-management come to is unknown. Earlier in the day said the social Democrats ‘ Stefan Löfven that he is not convinced that the concessions that he had given to the party will suffice. “

” No, I can’t be sure of it. “

“Strong support for the Eu”

“But if vänsterväljarna get that they want so there is no reason for the S-controller for concern. “

“Aftonbladetu002FInizio have asked V-sympathizers if they are for or against Löfven released until as prime minister. 62 percent answered yes. “

“– this shows that the support of Jonas Sjöstedt line is strong. There seems to be an understanding that you have to accept even things you really didn’t like that a government should be able to come to fruition, ” says Karin Nelsson, opinionschef on the Inizio. “

“the Investigation is made after Monday’s press conference, when he called said that it would require more to get the V pressing yellow.”

“– It is very valuable that it’s been some time since the agreement became known. People have now had the opportunity to weigh advantages and disadvantages against each other.”

“According to Karin Nelsson, there are two weighty reasons to the V-voter position. “

“– They want Stefan Löfven as prime minister, and they want to exclude The sweden democrats from political influence, ” she says.”

“– In the comments to the survey, there is a very big outrage about that some equate V with the SD. It is described as astonishing and humiliating.”

“At 10.10 on Wednesday is expected to Jonas Sjöstedt meet president Andreas Norlén. Thereafter, he will hold a press conference.”

“► the Survey is made by Inizio on behalf of Aftonbladet, within the framework of the Schibstedu002FInizios opinionspanel that reflects the Swedish people. The target audience is the general public 18 years and older who would vote for the Left party if there were parliamentary elections today.”

“► the Survey covers 302 interviews during the period 14 – 15 January, 2019, and is conducted as an online survey.”

“Join our opinionspanel you also.”

“you Want to be with and respond to Inizios studies where we find out what the Swedish people think about various issues? Results are presented, inter alia, in the newspaper Aftonbladet. It is voluntary to answer, you are anonymous and can go out whenever you want. Click on the link to sign up.”