Ghent The Ghent police organized a Sunday afternoon to a demonstration by the dog team and the Dragons – the agents to bike especially in the downtown area patrol. Spectators could also a bag of Ghent neuzekes buy for the benefit of ” Friends Of the Blind.

The Ghent police also wants to contribute to the Warmest Week and therefore worked together with the non profit organisation ” Friends Of the Blind, guide dogs for the blind are trained. In addition to a demonstration by the association, showed the police how their dogs in different ways crooks can stop it. The Dragons, who have their bikes not only as transportation but also for protection, demonstrated their can.

“A colleague of us has a man who gradually blind, he sees only eight percent”, indicates the police. “The colleague worked together with Friends Of the Blind to the sweets to sell and the dog team found that a nice initiative. Therefore, they have decided to do the demonstration on the legs, they convert to something more people on the leg. The Dragons heard about it, and they were immediately keen to join in.”