The best of the web The American Josh Myers from the state of Tennessee was last week with his daughter, Hannah, to the ‘Lion King’ to watch while puppy Luna lustig was playing. But during a hartroerende scene showed the young dog all fall, and looked with his owners. What followed, no one would remain unaffected.

It was the emotional scene in which the lion king Musafa dies and cub Simba to his death is to mourn, that the attention of the four-month-old puppy pulled. The images hit her deep in the heart.

The empathic dog looked very focused to the scene from the Disneyklassieker and lived all along with little Simba. She seemed to fully understand what happened. At a certain moment, imitated the dog, even the behavior of the cub. Luna moaned and cried just like they were as sad as Simba.

No wonder that the video of the touching scene the internet melt. The movie was already more than two million views.