“Löfven surprised to say anything important”

“– There must be a thought behind the development.”

“Prime minister Stefan Löfven dragged into the day with the minister of justice, minister of the interior and of the press to police training and has surprised us all by suddenly saying something important.”

“It was before the students passing the first semester at the police academy at Södertörn university college Löfven came up with their comment.”

“the Lunch was finished, the prime minister, the interior minister Mikael Damberg, minister of justice Morgan Johansson and named Anders Thornberg had just eaten the burger together with selected students, and it was soon time for the press conference at which a new advance was promised.”

“such A flesh-bearing bones needed for tv, radio and newspapers should be able to keep up with a half-day and cobble together reports that will hopefully get the government to be actionable.”

“the Collection for the press was set at 10.40. Police training, head of department Minna Räsänen went through förhållningsorder – ”

“the Idea was that the ministers and the journalists would be able to witness a number of real exercises in the direction of this education, which has existed since 2015 and currently has approximately 1000 students.”

“But where were the politicians actually house? Pressnissarna whispered and picked up the mobiles and were reassured with the news that they were only a few minutes late.”

“the Ministers showed up and we we used all through a long corridor and into a room and up to a podium to look at when some poliselever came into a store to inquire and bring a shoplifter that could not be Swedish and was generally troublesome.”

“Morgan Johansson ended up in the backwaters and puttades forward by an assistant, the prime minister was suddenly gone missing but was found again, and the students solved the task.”

“I found a perfect place to monitor the exercise from, but gave it an appealingly photographer from TV4.”

“”Must be a djurgårdare””

“– Fun career choice. Good luck, ” said Damberg, and rushed on to the next exercise. That was to get into an apartment and arrest a group of nato who was suspected of aggravated assault.”

“it went good. The prime minister was impressed. “

“A very drunk man lying on the street after a football game. Scan of the pockets and disposal.”

the “– Democrats hold on the team and whispered to me that there must be a djurgårdare which is located where, joked Löfven afterwards.”

“Djurgårdare? A drunk who is on the street and sluddrar that he lives in san francisco is, of course, hammarbyare. It should a politician be able to take.”

“More police officers is hardly the solution.”

“Lunch came and went and then it was time for the prime minister to explain that there must be a thought behind the development.”

“It’s the least one can say. And the question is how much thought there actually was during the budgivningsvåren 2017. Then the Liberals demanded 2 500 new police officers, the Conservatives raised to 5,000 and KD thought out to take home the victory with 10 000. But then came the Socialists and the matched bid.”

“Yes, what exactly was the idea? That more police are needed, most agree, but it is hardly the solution to the firings in the suburb, international stöldligor and increasingly complex crime.”

“the Alliance strengthened the police force powerful. 16 000 police officers became 20 000 without to therefore the figure was higher.”

“And would it not be better to ensure that experienced police officers to remain in the corps before it starts employed new?”

“by the way, how does it actually go to train 10 000 new police officers when the student places empty? Managers at polisutbildningarna have blown the whistle and said that it is unrealistic.”

“a couple Of years ago wrote some of them in an article and called for a broad political agreement in which other actors in society were mixed up in the fight against crime and its causes.”

“But this sort of the intricacies of the loose Leaves in the day. The students were well behaved and murvlarna for the impatient for asking difficult questions.”

“the New offence can provide lifetime”

“So it was, forward in the early afternoon, the time has finally come for the press conference and the news. A new offence, blåljussabotage, shall be inserted in the book of the law. Up to 18 years in prison or a lifetime.”

“the Reporters asked their questions, the photographers took their pictures and everyone was happy and contented.”

“Löfven smiled and shook hands. Then put the ministers and bodyguards with seashells in the ears in large black cars and went away.”

“on the whole stunt had been done without vexing mishaps. “