the Ground is snow-covered. Really looks like the thousands of pillows together with white cover that has been carefully placed on top of the ground. The trip through the forest is easy, but in the open countryside, welcomes the tracks from the other tourists in the hvidklædte landscape – when you go on trekking here, it is at your own risk, for you may well danger game, and it is not uncommon that the death of one tourist in the wild weather.

Ushuaia is the world’s southernmost city. The area is wild, violent and crazy nice. Some kilometres away we are taken on the ten kilometre hike to Laguna Esmeralda. As the name suggests, a lagoon with blue water. This day is the water, however, is frozen, and instead of looking at the water enjoying the tourists from all over the world to build their first snowman. Ever. And so even in the sunshine.

Laguna Esmeralda is here with blue skies. But don’t be fooled – the sky can pull together in minutes and send you out in both the storm – as the snow. Photo: Peter Jeppesen

the hills and valleys while we enjoy the views of the Andean southern peaks. The blue sky is the whole trip worth it, and nature in its wildness among the most beautiful in the world. But the sun must not allow themselves to be blinded by. The area is one of the places in the world where the weather changes quickly. And an ordinary day can bid on the storm, rain, snow, sunshine, and the storm again within a few hours.

for The same reason it is for the seafarers, one of the most legendary areas in the world. Ushuaia has one of the most important ports in south America, and thus it is also a major city of the western world. Partly it is the last port before Antarctica, and the entrance to the western part of south America, if shipping is not going through the Panama canal.

at the same time, the city is interesting because it is one of the cities in the world with the fewest hours of sunshine. On average over the year, the sun is shining only for about four hours a day.

the Lighthouse at the end of the world, wrote the well-known French author Jules Verne in 1901. In reality, the sailing away from Ushuaia. Photo: Peter Jeppesen

featuring Japan, as the area is called, on the culinary gems. Of course, there is everything good from the grill, as it belongs to in the kødelskende Argentina. But especially the lamb, which has hung over bålets glowing afternoon through, is a delight for the taste buds. Not to mention kæmpekrabber, served with mayonnaise and lemon.

As the day progresses can the smell of grilled lamb felt in the streets. Photo: Peter Jeppesen

Buenos Aires, goes the plane for under 1000 dollars four hours away to Ushuaia with the unflattering slogan: Welcome to the end of the world. Despite the name, you find no deceased loved ones to return, you can bid yourself welcome to penguins, glaciers, hiking, and on a lucky day, whales. And so is the last stop before the Antarctic or the sagsomspundne archipelago of Cape Horn.


He has not left Cape Horn in a full year

Adan Otaiza, together with his family. They have lived on the Cape Horn continuously for a year. How is it for the incumbent lighthouse keeper. Photo: Peter Jeppesen

Approximately 1000 kilometers from Antarctica and Cape Horn, there is an island group situated where the Pacific ocean and the Atlantic ocean meet. The island is today a national park and the chilean military base, which is controlled by the lighthouse keeper Adan Otaiza, who, without ever leaving the island has been there a year, together with his family – wife and two children.

Adan Otaiza is employed to take care of the park, observe and maintain the area. There is neither the boat or the grocery store. However, the family is dependent on the supplies that comes every other month. He sees it not as a problem to be there so long at times. As he puts it:

– No, I’m used to sail, and here I am with my family all the time. And in the day, an apple the keep a month without problems.

It is very few cruise ships that can get close enough to Cape Horn, to the passengers can get in the country. Photo: Peter Jeppesen

Cape Horn to be the end of the world – at that time the earth was flat, and a continuation of the tour would mean that the ship sailed over the edge and into the abyss. Since it has been found that the earth is round, but the perilous water is still legendary, and most sailors are not late to say, if they have rounded Cape Horn. Or as Charles Darwin described it 10. June 1834, when he left the field:

’Outside the main islands are the rocks scattered, where the open ocean swells and rages endlessly. We went out between the east and the west, and a little further north break water so much, that the sea is called the Milky way. A sight of such a coast is enough to get a sailor to have nightmares for a week about shipwrecks, peril and death.’


Take on the cruise in the mysterious fjords

Tag on the mini cruise and get close to some of the breathtaking glaciers, as the area offers. Often you will be sailed out in speedboats. Photo: Peter Jeppesen

If you have saved a little extra gold, it can be recommended to take on minikrydstogt in the legendary fjords of Chile and Argentina. A trip of four days typically costs between 12,000 and 15,000 dollars for the cheapest tickets, and the tour starts in Ushuaia.

the Trip goes past Cape Horn, and if the weather is good, there is both the chance to put to and round the legendary island. Then, the tour goes through the fjords up to the legendary strait of Magellan, which is known and feared for the sudden fog and the tough win.

the Trip offers everything from penguins to glaciers, which are mirrored in the smooth water. And on a lucky day there is the opportunity to see both dolphins, seals, sea lions and whales.

In the strait is Magdalenaøen, there is a pingvinreservat. Charles Darwin visited the strait during its journey for more than 150 years ago with the sailing ship HMS Beagle. A trip that formed part of the basis for his major work: ’On the origin of species’.

the Trip ends in Chile’s southernmost city, Punta Arenas.