The 48 Tory-letters came together. 48 deputies of the party of Theresa May declared that they no longer have confidence in their own Prime Minister. Now May must be an internal party vote, which is expected to take place today, Wednesday trust.

it is Unclear whether the rebels May be able to really plunge. You need a majority of 315 conservatives.

But what if you lose really? Then you would be done only as a party leader but also as Prime Minister. The party and the presidency would quickly be re-occupied. There is only one candidate, it can go very quickly. Several, apply there are several choice passages. Every Time the last leaves placed, until only two candidates are left. You need to then set a strike vote among the party members. It should not come to new elections, would be the new head of the Conservatives for the succession of May at the head of government is the logical candidate, or the logical candidate.

it is not Yet clear, anyone who wants to follow May, no one has commented yet publicly clear. Nevertheless, to be traded in the UK names of possible candidates. Candidates, some of whom are already preparing in the Quiet of your application:

Boris Johnson (photo: Keystone)

Johnson wants to Post Mays. . He is one of your toughest critics, one of the most dangerous internal adversaries. In the dispute Mays exit plans, he stepped down from his Post as foreign Minister. Johnson has repeatedly called for an immediate clean break with the European Union. He is probably the most famous conservative MP in the country. However, Johnson is in his own party controversial. Some conservative members make their disdain for him and his often populist initiatives no secret. To get those deputies on his side, would make a lot of Persuasion needed.

David Davis (photo: Keystone)

twice Already wanted to be a Davis party leader – 2001 and 2005, when he lost against David Cameron. Some observers are of the view that his time is over. But Davis was the leading head of the Leave campaign and then the first Brexit-the Minister. In July 2018 he resigned after disagreements about May’s Chequers-Plan. With this Background, and in large part to the support of the hard Brexit advocates under the Torys Davis is traded necessarily as a possible successor candidate for May. It does not apply, but as someone who pulls strings in the Background, as a political Manager. That he can lead the party as the chief, because many have their doubts.

Michael Gove (photo: Keystone)

Gove, the current Minister of the environment, has remained Theresa May always loyal. The Brexit Deal he supports. This has earned him a lot of hostility to the Brexiteer members in his party. But not the only reason why the distrust of Gove. Many accuse him of treason, because he is like Boris Johnson during the recent debate about the party chairmanship in the back.

In Public, Gove is regarded by many but still as a Reformer, one who leads things to a good end. And Gove diplomatic acts sent, always a strategic compromise, rarely on a page, but tries to gather allies everywhere. This must not necessarily be an advantage: Should hosts of the wing of the party to the hardline of the page, could Gove to end up alone.

Dominic Raab (photo: Keystone)

The former Brexit-the Minister has resigned from his position in Protest against Mays rate back. And also has practiced, then again and again, harsh criticism of the Prime Minister. So he has made a name for himself among the Brexiteers and in the population. His prominence in the Leave-camp, he wants to take advantage, apparently, in the case of the cases. Raab has certainly indicated that he would seize the opportunity to inherit May, if you would. However, he is not the only one who is competing in the camp of the hardliners. Johnson and Davis were probably strong contenders. May be too strong.

Sajid Javid (photo: Keystone)

On the day of the vote of no confidence in the Minister of the interior stated that he will support May at the time of the vote. This is not to say, however, that he would not squint you should lose, to the Post of Prime Minister. The ambitious Javid is regarded as a market liberal and has worked in the conservative party with a good reputation. He departs, however, when the topic of Immigration is a relatively soft course. More importantly still, Javid was during the referendum part of the Remain-camp and could get in trouble, to convince the hard-liners among the Conservatives that he is now fully behind the Brexit.

Amber Rudd (photo: Keystone)

The Minister of labour is considered to be extremely knowledgeable and well-connected. You could try to present himself as a candidate who brings together the various factions within the party. Moderate and Remainer could bring Rudd actually is. She was pronounced Mays-Brexit Deal in Parliament should not be a majority, to the public for the Norway-Plus model as a “Plan B” that could get cross-party majority. In this model, the UK would remain in the European internal market and the customs Union. In the case of critics in the own party, this solution is decried as being too soft Brexit. And here is Rudd’s Problem. The Brexiteers it is considered to be suspicious, some as unprincipled. Some people even fear that Rudd could give in to demands for a second Referendum.

Jeremy Hunt (photo: Keystone)

After the Hunt, some of the scandals has politically just to survive, he was able to distinguish themselves as foreign Minister. Hunt is in the eyes of the British, so far a good Job. He is an experienced member of Cabinet, and has managed to position itself in terms of Brexit as a no-compromise supporters. And, although he has campaigned during the referendum for continued UK membership of the EU. Hunt May said his support in the vote for miss trust vote and warned of a leadership dispute. You should lose, will he want to dispute the succession, but probably still win. And as Prime Minister, he would try immediately, in Brussels, to wipe out the most controversial Passage from Mays-Brexit Deal, the back stop for Ireland. Even if the chances of success are extremely low.

Penny Mordaunt (photo: Keystone)

The Minister for Development in the past years within the conservative party quickly ascended. Recently she has denounced publicly as a “lack of leadership” of the government and a radical change is required. Many Conservatives have understood the Statements as an application for higher tasks. In terms of Brexit it is considered to be uncompromising in terms of Mays Deal, it has held, however, is long covered. Your proposal to give the vote in Parliament for the conservatives, and has been quickly quashed.

Jacob Rees-Mogg (photo: Keystone)

The archconservative eccentric backbenchers decisive influence on the motion of censure against May had. Shortly after the publication of the Brexit agreement he had spoken to the Prime Minister his distrust. However, the first attempt to collect the necessary 48 distrust of the letters had failed. Rees-Mogg is a group of around 80 Brexit-hard-liners in the group. But not enough to be party leader. Rees-Mogg is therefore regarded as rank outsiders. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 12.12.2018, 14:08 PM