The secretly recorded Video in Ibiza, it shows quite clearly that right-wing populist leaders such as Austria’s Heinz-Christian Strache it is not the protection of the home, not the little man, not to the Islamist danger. These are all phrases for the Public.

do you Feel unobserved, then, ideology no longer plays a role. It’s not going to the right or to the left, but hidden party financing through secret clubs, and orders for state-owned enterprises, to absolute control of the media.

It is, therefore, quite alone, in order at almost any price Makes. It is suspected that of course, in the case of Strache in the same way as in the case of Italy, Matteo Salvini, or France’s Marine Le Pen. But never has it been taught so clearly. A Video can’t even dismiss loyal voters of the right-wing populists as a Fake-News: the Power of The images has worn to the FPÖ to the top. Now has turned this Power against you and your dreams ended.

No compromise

there were Four right-wing populists in Austria in the past 30 years in coalition governments four times, you have blown this. In the government, they produced mainly propaganda and scandals. You are not able to compromise, you cannot govern. Federal Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz had to know that, when he signed with Strache, a partnership. He bears the responsibility for one of the most serious government crisis of the Second Republic.

Video: Strache back to the unveiling video The FPÖ-Chef lays down his office as Vice-Chancellor of Austria. (Video: ORF)

like his role model, Wolfgang Schüssel, thought for a moment that he could control the right-wing populists, by a participation in the Government and in his project of the reconstruction of the Republic of clamping. As in the case of bowl in the first black-and-blue coalition was a serious mistake. Briefly hesitated yesterday, much to long, before he said goodbye to the coalition with the FPÖ. He may be a brilliant tactician, but in the crisis, completely helpless. His Nimbus of the winner’s way. Strache is the story, in Short, at least hard to hit. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.05.2019, at 17:08