The formative Abstimmung1973

is coupled to the U – Bahn and S-Bahn-vote failed: posters in the vote fight in 1973. Photos: Keystone

The Canton of the population rejects a billion dollar combined U – and S-Bahn-template powerful from. The vote changes the debate about the public transport in Zurich, in a sustainable way. Although most of the actors agree, it takes the S-Bahn part of the template with the underground HB, as well as two tunnels to Stadelhofen and Stettbach, but the extent is controversial.

Yes the Bevölkerung1981

The station is taking shape: The construction site at Stadelhofen in 1987. Photos: Keystone

The S-Bahn project to be the political breakthrough. According to the Canton and the cantonal government, the voting public have to say and voting citizens to the new S-Bahn and so, Yes, the new Stadelhofen. However, in the meantime, a fountain, a second riesbach tunnel in the direction of depth, and a fourth Track is deleted. The politics of division, but some money. 750 million cost of the overall project. The fourth Track would have been about 60 additional million is feasible.

The winner Calatrava1983

The young Santiago Calatrava won the competition for the construction of the new Stadelhofens. The striking building, Dating from 1894, will remain in his design there. Between 1984 and 1990, the station is realized and is now under monument protection.

The is not incident in the Tunnel in 1987

the construction of The tunnel smoothly. 11. November 1987 broke the surface of the earth during the Work in the deer’s tomb tunnel, the connection between Zurich HB and Stadelhofen. Between the Villa and the home of two former aldermen and a hole opens suddenly. A scree cone spilled to the Tunnel. Nevertheless, the day is celebrated by trick a week later.

The Eröffnung1990

in Spite of Celebration was in 1990: The Stadelhofen will one day probably for the eye of a needle.

On the 27. May the new S will be opened railway to the new Stadelhofen solemnly. But even then, you know, the Stadelhofen has a “birth defect”, he is a Track missing. That is why it is well once to the eye of a needle. 11. July, the news Agency SDA: “interlocking interference in Zürich-Stadelhofen, delays in the morning rush-hour for up to 20 minutes reported.” Countless such messages should follow.

The Stadelhofen-Initiative2014

The voting citizens and voters, citizens reject by a two-thirds majority, a cantonal popular initiative of the VCS, which had required, of the Canton should take the money for the Stadelhofen-extension office the fourth Track, shooting forward. Only a few months before the vote, the Swiss electorate had approved a new rail-financing mechanism. The Federal government should take over the costs for the Stadelhofen.

The Ausbau2019

The Stadelhofen is extended for 900 million Swiss francs: the new underground Railroad should look like. Visualization: SBB

In June, the national Council for a nearly 13 billion Swiss francs, a big package for the rail expansion in 2035. Thus, the conversion of the Stadelhofens is to be financed, the 2026 start and the end of 2035 should be completed. The project competition Giuliani win Hönger architects and not the builders of the existing Stadelhofens Santiago Calatrava. The cost for the project, which also includes the construction of three new Tunnels, is estimated to be 900 million Swiss francs (click here to read the TA-comment about the project).

So the 4 to. Track, clicking adjacent to the train station Stadelhofen (to Enlarge, please). Graphics: SBB

Created: 19.11.2019, 17:53 PM