The former Wikileaks informant Chelsea Manning remains in custody. A US Federal court rejected on Monday the appeal of the 31-Year-old against their imprisonment for contempt of court.

With the measure you should be the statement in the case of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange forced. The Federal court of appeal stated in the state of Virginia that it had found “no error” in the coercive detention order for the child instance.

The Transgender woman earlier than Bradley Manning known – is since the 8. March in prison. She refuses, in front of a jury panel on Assange to testify. They had plays Assange for his revelations platform in the years 2010 and 2011, hundreds of thousands of secret government documents and videos, among other things, to the US military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Obama pardoned

Manning had served prior to her gender reassignment in the U.S. army. In 2010, she was arrested and convicted in August 2013 of espionage 35 years in prison. By a Pardon of the former US-President, Barack Obama, Manning released in 2017, in advance, before she was arrested again last month.

Assange has been in the past 11. April after seven years in exile in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. The US government has made an extradition request, against the Wikileaks founder wants to fight. The decision on the request for extradition could drag on for years. (anf/sda)

Created: 22.04.2019, 21:39 PM