Multimedia Even during the night some sharp shots? That is more and more on smartphones a breeze. With the help of the necessary software and hardware to succeed even in the pitch black of beautiful photos. Below 4 smartphones which has its own night mode. Night mode
To get sharp pictures in the dark do some smartphones appeal to a ‘night mode’, a mode that automatically selects the optimal settings change to take photos in the dark.
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Such a mode is based mostly on two things: on the one hand, a long shutter speed to maximize the light within, and on the other hand, smart software that the image bijschaaft. the
In most cases, there are also several pictures drawn that are subsequently combined into one image. The software is then able to use the images to compare and ‘mistakes’, such as blurred lines, the way to work.
Huawei P30 Pro (from 749 euro)
Should not be missing in this list: the Huawei P30 and its big brother, the Huawei P30 Pro. That last up with no less than five cameras and a lot of new software. Developed Huawei, a brand new image sensor, no blue, red and green light filters, but blue, red and yellow . This would make the camera much more light can absorb.
Result: amazingly good photos in the dark. In a completely unlit room the Huawei P30 Pro even with the human eye are difficult to detect. Admittedly, the photos are not as sharp as the photos in broad daylight, but by the smart software on the device is the most noise eliminated.
Google Pixel 3 (from 519 euro)
One rear camera: it is rare. But still the Google Pixel 3 with a single 12,2 MP camera lens, which many other smartphones, not even with three. That is partly due to Google’s ‘Night Sight’, a night mode with a long shutter speed combined with machine learning. the
The Pixel 3 is still just a little less bright and detailed photos than the Huawei P30 Pro, but is still a leader in ‘lowlight’photography.
Pixel 3 without Night Sight (what the eye sees)
Pixel 3 with Night Sight
P30 Pro full auto (the F child or sorcery is this?)
Vlad Savov(@ vladsavov) link
Samsung S10+ (from 998 euro)
The Samsung S10+ has as yet no dedicated night mode, but recently got a ‘Bright Night’-function. According to Samsung, it does not go to a separate mode, but rather a small expansion of the current Scene Optimiser that automatically sets the correct mode for you to select. the
Bright Night is available only if the grid is dark enough. You may recognize the mode to the half-moon. The trick is offering something lighter photos, but can not match to the specialized modes of the Google Pixel 3 or the Huawei P30 Pro. Rather a nice addition to the already solid cameraopstelling of the S10+.
One is the #GalaxyS10Plus. The other is the #Mate20Pro. Can you tell which is which? @CNET
Jessica Dolcourt(@ jdolcourt) link
OnePlus 6T (from 549 euro)
Tel you prefer not to thousands of euros for a smartphone? Then you might be better off with the OnePlus 6T. The Chinese prijsbreker is doing in terms of photography is not bad and also comes with a new night mode. the
That mode guarantees not always the sharpest pictures and has, for example, is difficult with bright light sources in dark environments. But already something lighter shots than most of the other regular picture modes.