A 65-year-old woman could neither get forward or back, after a cliff collapsed at Trelde Næs north of Fredericia on Thursday afternoon.

She was out and go on a trip with some girlfriends, when there is a sandskred. She ends up getting stuck in some deep sand to the hips and could not even come up, illuminating the vagtchef at Sydøstjyllands Police Lars Grønlund for the Extra Magazine.

Sydøstjyllands Police receive shortly after the accident a notification via 112, in which the emergency personnel will be sent off.

– because of the sand, could rescue workers do not get physically next to the woman. The event itself takes place both from land and sea, the sounds further.

According to the vagtchefen the woman was after a time liberated and rescued in the country. Redningsmetoden is not defined, but according to the TV South the woman was lifted up with the helicopter.

– If she’s got her wellies with up, I do not know, says vagtchefen.

There is no reports about how long the woman was trapped in the sand. She was, however, According to vagtchefen be unharmed and in good spirits.

– She was very shocked after the action, and she froze a little, informs vagtchefen.

the Woman’s girlfriends was not hurt during the accident.