“Woman nedstucken – a man arrested”

“A woman has been nedstucken in Vårberg in Stockholm.”

“A man has been arrested by police suspected of attempt at murder.”

“– the Woman is seriously damaged, ” says Ola Österling on the police in the Stockholm region.”

“A woman has been injured by a stickvapen in Vårberg in southern Stockholm. The crime occurred on a playground.”

“– She is in the hospital and get the treatment there. It is serious, but the injuries is unclear, ” says Ola Österling, presstalesperson at the police, to the TT.”

“A man is arrested suspected of attempted murder. According to the police questioned a large number of people. The police do not, however, say something about how knivdådet have gone to.”

“According to information provided to Expressen, a person to have filmed the crime. The police can not confirm the information.”

“– It has flourished such data. You keep on to check whether it is film, ” says Ola Österling to Aftonbladet.”

“the Incident occurred at 18 o’clock on Wednesday. When clock 20 was the police technicians still in place in Vårberg.”