A woman who has been diagnosed with measles, were at Greve Museum 3. February.

There is talk about a woman from Rudersdal north of copenhagen, as the Tuesday came forward was one of two persons who had been infected on a holiday in France, informs the director of Patient safety for the Extra Magazine.

thus, There is no talk about a third case of the infectious disease.

We were contacted by the Danish Agency for Patient safety Tuesday 12. February, as a person who has participated in an event with us, it has subsequently found out that he was infected with measles, says the head of museum Ruth Hedegaard to Ekstra Bladet.

The infected woman is, according to the Agency for Patient safety hospitalized in isolation.

the Woman was to the opening of the exhibition ‘Something back’, in which a total of 90 people participated.

the director of Patient safety provide to Ekstra Bladet, that they have defined the group of persons who are assessed to be at risk for infection, and that they have taken the necessary information to the concerned persons on how they should behave.

– All who have participated in the event, have been notified that they potentially may have been exposed to mæslingesmitte. If you are not vaccinated against measles or had the disease, and you suspect that you may be infected, call your doctor or lægevagten with the same, says Hanne Borch-Christensen, chief physician at the Agency for Patient safety, in a statement.

She stresses that one should not seek out his doctor without prior agreement, since there is a risk to infect others in the waiting room.

head of museum Ruth Hedegaard confirms that the Tuesday emails sent out to the guests, and among them was a single child, which has been identified.

It is reported, moreover, that the majority of the visitors were older people.

So dangerous is measles

Measles is an extremely contagious airborne virus. It is transmitted through coughing. Viruspartiklerne can be stuck for up to two hours, and you can be infected without even having been in the vicinity of the infected person.

the Disease is shown by fever, colds and hypersensitivity to light. Three to four days seen a rash that starts in face and moves down over the body.

One out of 15 mæslingesmittede get otitis.

Pneumonia is a out of the 25 with measles.

Encephalitis will be seen in 1 out of 2500 with measles.

Blodplademangel will be seen in 1 out of 3500 with measles.

In Denmark, will have children thanks to the good hospitalsforhold die of measles.

Nevertheless, measles cost a out of 2,500-3,000 for life. The mortality rate is significantly higher in the developing countries: Here, the door between one and five out of 100 mæslingetilfælde.