strikes in the area of public transport may be for the affected passengers uncomfortable, too bad. Long-term effect is that they are not unfold in the rule. The striking workers get then maybe more wages, employers may increase costs, but interest to users of U-Bahn, Bus, Tram or S-Bahn, then not so much. The main thing is that you come back on time to your destination. The warning strike at the BVG in the middle of March? The only reason to not forget, because it came after no agreement is reached, the collective counterparty and on Monday, a new strike is imminent.

Already in 1949, went on strike, the West Berlin railway workers

But there has been fighting in the Berlin public transport already work, the effects of which were felt for decades after The strike in September 1980, the S-Bahn was not the first but the most influential. They belonged to the Reichsbahn, was managed by East-Berlin. This had already led in 1949 to a strike of the West Berlin working rich bahner, a consequence of the currency reform in West Germany and West Berlin.

they were paid in East German marks, they had to rent, electricity, Gas, daily expenses of subsistence pay, but in the West-Mark, at a rate of about four East – to West-Mark. In may 1949, it came to the strike in all 13 000 of them in West Berlin, working and living rich bahner. Colleagues from East-Berlin were used as strikebreakers, protected by the East Berlin railway police.

There were heavy clashes, with the West Berlin population. 23. May died in a 15-year-old Charlotte Burger by a shot to the head, and two more of Berlin had been seriously injured, reported the daily mirror. The until the end of June 1949, protracted conflict even employed the commandant of the city, which ended with dismissals and other sanctions. But at least the West have been rewarded-rich bahner now to 60 percent in the West and 40 percent in the East-Mark. Tickets you got in the Western sectors, but only against the West-money.

The strike at the railway in 1980 and is still effective today:

Still, the longer the after-effects of the strike in 1980, had been placed, in consequence of a number of tracks still, so also the Siemens railway, whose re-opening has got recently, in the Wake of the plans for the new innovation campus, Siemens city, again in the view.

The S-Bahn through West Berlin, was at a loss, save the Empire wanted to train, announced the beginning of 1980, the first layoffs and by mid-September to make drastic cuts in the schedule and in the transportation of goods, which would have brought the workers to substantial losses. The responded with work stoppages, occupied by freight yards, blocked roads with containers. Also, the positioners Halensee and the Zoo were occupied, making even the transit railway traffic between West Berlin and the Federal area was blocked, so the Federal railway buses in the direction of Hannover and Hamburg had to use.

This was the BVG strike – here are the pictures to view more pictures 1 of 22Foto: dpa15.02.2019 12:32BVG-warning strike : Standing trains the U-Bahn station Krumme Lanke in Berlin-Zehlendorf.Back Next

Only the East Berlin railway police has been able to clear the equipment, at 25. September the strike collapsed. The Parties left the railway, or were kicked out, and only on the half of the West Berlin S-Bahn network of the Imperial Railways took the traffic again.

Also in the case of the BVG, there have been repeated violent, in their early history, even very bloody clashes. So far, the labor dispute in 2008 came to a head, fortunately, but it was the longest strike that the LOB has ever had to endure. More than 30 strike days, there were at that time spread over the months of February, March and April.

Until the early may, the took, time to Warn, time indefinite strike, time, it were the drivers, the workshops, time management – a particularly fierce dispute over the weeks, while it remained in 2012, only in the case of a 15-hour warning strike.

BVG strike in 1932, worked for the Nazis and the KPD together

The most violent and four people in a deadly confrontation in the case of the BVG had taken place, but in 1932, as the company was just four years old. It was only ostensibly a dispute about the amount of the salary, but rather a highly political struggle for Power, driven by the unequal partners of KPD and NSDAP, shortly before the Reichstag elections.

And it was not a wage increase but a reduction in Wages, with the world economy in crisis-stricken BVG wanted to push their costs. Initially, they had demanded a Fall in the wages of 14 to 23 penny per hour, the competent, the SPD affiliated trade Union, this was in negotiations on two pennies to press.

This was the BVG strike – here are the pictures to view more pictures 1 of 22Foto: dpa15.02.2019 12:32BVG-warning strike : Standing trains the U-Bahn station Krumme Lanke in Berlin-Zehlendorf.Back Next

The Communists, organized in the Revolutionary trade Union opposition (RGO), saw still a possibility of a strike to foment the public transport, the city even paralyze, with a General strike as a wish target. “Not a penny of Wage theft at the LOB!” was the slogan, the line of action of Walter Ulbricht, the Central Committee member of the KPD, the soon found himself side-by-side with Joseph Goebbels, the Berlin “Gauleiter” of the NSDAP, on the rostrum. As the main opponent, the Communists saw, finally, not Hitler & co., but the “social fascists” of the SPD.

escort for buses and trams

It managed to strike drivers, in fact, a ballot of all the workers at the 2. To initiate of November. The strike supporters were a majority, but a few of them had ever participated: The strike was illegal. Nevertheless, he was held, organized by the two strike stalkers.

The transport came to a Standstill: the rails were blocked with planks, or with concrete poured, the upper lines are destroyed, buses and trams with stone-throwing receive, willing to work drivers beaten up. For your safety, they were escorted by the police, who have arrested numerous pickets and officials, and in the case of the developing road of the battles grip on the weapon. Three strikers and an innocent woman killed by police bullets.

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LPP-strike What students and graduates

Susanne Vieth-Entus

First on 7 plays. November, the strike came to an end. Achieved nothing: It was two a penny pay cut.