Håndverkerfirmaets christmas party on the “Little Gratishaugen” next to the ski jump in Holmenkollen was really over. Most of the about 80 participants had departed, when the clock was approaching 02.30 Saturday night. Tens of employees were yet again in the lavvoen where the party had taken place. Several of them had begun to clean up. It was time to get home.

Suddenly drag one of the employees up a knife and stabs a colleague brutally. A short time later becomes the man in the 50 years declared dead at the site of the health care provider as a result of the damage.

Really, he should soon go home to Poland. He has two adult children, where he would celebrate christmas along with, tells the daily leader of the company where the deceased man worked.

Stabbed down and killed in front of tens of colleagues Unanswered questions

Sunday was the employees gathered in the company’s canteen. It was lit on the light. The priest and the crisis team were present to take care of the colleagues of the deceased. At the same time, one of their colleagues charged with murder.

– For us, it is still a big question about what has happened. We have continuous contact with the police and get updates. But there are many questions we haven’t received an answer, ” says the executive director.

A hard time

the Shock of having seen a colleague being killed, characterizes still those who were present in the lavvoen in the Suburbs and on the night of Saturday. Several of them were already on Saturday questioned by the police. The same was their drapssiktede colleague.

” We’re trying to take care of each other as well as we can. It is a difficult time for all of us. But we are being well followed up by kriseteamet, and is very grateful for it, ” says the executive director.

– Charged am still struggling to comprehend what has happened in the Past trusseldømt

the Man in the 30 years from Latvia who is charged with murder, has acknowledged that it was he who knivstakk drapsofferet. The police on Sunday evening is still not a full overview of the whole course of events, and more questioning remains.

According to the head of section for voldsavsnittet, Anne Alræk Solem, is it still not appointed any lawyer to the deceased’s family. We are also working to notify several of his relatives.

Killed with jobbkniv

on Monday it will drapssiktede were produced for varetektsfengsling in the Oslo district court. The arrest on the night of Saturday have been completely undramatic. The defendant shall be resident at Hamar, and is previously known to the police. As late as last year he was sentenced to 21 days imprisonment for knivtrusler against a young couple.

the Police have already made several seizures that are considered interesting. The police have not wanted to elaborate on what these are, but according to Dagbladet information shall among other things, the murder weapon being one of them.

– We are in shock and are strongly affected by what has happened

According to Dagbladet information the drapssiktede, who is a carpenter, have gone with a arbeidskniv in the belt. He should have taken up the knife, killed the victim by sticking him in the upper part of the body and put the knife back in his belt.

be Treated for injuries

According to the siktedes lawyer, John Christian Fire, man has in 30 years, received medical assistance for their injuries and are treated by the police in jails. He am still struggling to comprehend what has happened.

It must have been a quarrel that has arisen before him turning her forcefully, but it is not yet come details about what this should have been about. The fire have previously written in an SMS to Dagbladet that the interrogation has gone well.

He had the opportunity to come up with his explanation and answered all questions. The quarrel is a part of the police need to investigate, writes the lawyer.

– Drew out arbeidskniv from his belt and killed colleague