The Feel of a turn. However, in the year 2019, it is not rooted in this time, only the calendar-symbolic custom. The feeling of accelerating change recognized, more and more people – even if we are not with the same speed as well as Changes in understanding. The new man is still an old invention. This is true at least as long as the Gene-scissors and often controversial Biotechniken not deep or even irreversible in our Will and existence cut.

at The Moment, growing uncertainty and ambivalence. This is a sense of time, which is not limited to social, political, cultural elites, not a profession notorious Bright or black rather.

In Germany, for example, where once the modern internal combustion engine was invented, knows or suspects today, every motorist, that he with his gasoline or Diesel now in the final straight of an era departs. This awareness of age in discussions of climate change and energy transition, despite decades of so far rather abstract. But the year 2018, with its more stringent diesel debates, fine-dust measurements, court decisions, EU regulations, a caesura marked. This has to be understood in the end even the Chancellor.

progress, and dictatorship

We now live is always ambivalent and ambiguous. Analog and digital, at the same time. The natural intelligence that creates your artificial sister, and some fear the AI as a future Übermutter. The West, on the Whole, of Hollywood follows up to the Pop, from Google to Facebook, the American Way of Life. But also the Asian, the Chinese era has already begun. Not in culture, but in the economy and politics. China puts its new silk road around the globe, colonized the raw materials of Africa, has the sea – and airports, in Europe, invested unimaginable sums of money in technologies of the future, as well as the complete digital and thus political Monitoring of one’s own Kingdom. Progress and dictatorship go there’s a uncanny, in such a unique connection.

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Many people see the self from the growing close to fairly remote. How, in our supposedly so-temperate Central European region for a long time the global warming. In just the past summer but she is from the statistics of the climate researchers suddenly in the tactile reality. This super summer was beautiful – sun-Bader, while splashing children, beer, wine growers, tourist farms, gardens,. For a part of the agricultural and water economy of the dream, however, was a nightmare. The Beautiful mirror, the creepiness, the sun was the beast.

people as embodiments of its contradictions

breaks, time form turn in to your ambivalence, not least on the cultural stage. The art is basically nothing other than fractures, cracks, dramas and people as embodiments of their contradictions. Between love and hate. War and peace. Fear and hope. We are, whether we want it or not, the parents and children of globalization, but as the idea of home and self-certainty, the Rooting in the Local; we are digital affine analogue of essence, and not tumbling, dancing, hopping in the time mode, the turn between no longer and Still. This is also reflected in the outstanding cultural projects in the next year.

An anniversary in 2019 is “100 years of Bauhaus”. However, the greatest house building in Berlin and, in addition, shows three sides of the shell of a Baroque castle. To argue, therefore, the summoning of a Revolution of modern architecture, style and sense of life and a Monument of the restoration? In fact, the castle has operated in the Glow of the Humboldt Forum, the equal if as of 2019, the contradictions of the should now reflect the time used as a Museum, research facility and a current place of Assembly: especially with the views of Alexander von Humboldt, was born 250 years ago. He reasoned as a long-Distance traveller and a scientist like no other, the global, globalized Thinking. Berlin was for him the starting point and endpoint, but not its center. That was the world.

“metamorphosis of the world”

Humboldt, in 1859, died, had begun exactly 50 years younger pharmacist Theodor Fontane his literary career. 2019 is with his 200. The birthday of the Fontane-year. To the memory of a in the spirit of European-universal narrator, the Brandenburg at the same time, the province, the Berlin-largely arrested remained. Modern said, he was a Glocal. Like most people, until today.

on new year’s day 2015 deceased sociologist Ulrich Beck has described the modern “risk society” to the “metamorphosis of the world”, a “simultaneity of the non-simultaneous”. In our present lived according to Beck, the locally Patriotic, to Foreign and New suspicious Neanderthals and the global “gay Cosmo politicus” side by side. This explains, whether in Europe, the USA or Asia, many conflicts. However, we probably be wearing these two non-simultaneous also in ourselves. That’s why we look back at each time threshold to the front.

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