We are not prepared to die. We have no intentions to be the first victims of climate change, said Muhammad Nasheed, former president of the Maldives, during an event at the climate summit in Katowice in Poland today.

the Maldives located in The indian ocean and is known as one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The island nation consists of consists of a chain of 26 coral atolls with turquoise seas and sandy white beaches, and has according to Wikipedia, about 430 000 inhabitants.

ASKING for HELP: Maldivenes former president Mohammad Nasheed. Photo: Lakruwan Wanniarachchi / AFP / NTB Scanpix Show more

Because it is also the lowest situated country in the world, with an average height of 1.5 metres above sea level, is also among the countries in the world that are most vulnerable to the consequences of global warming, with extreme weather events, sea-level rise and koralldød.

The big fear, according to Nasheed, is that the entire country simply need to move.

” For us it is a matter of national security. It is an existential threat, he said.

– Everything we do is to speak

While much of the climate summit now is about to agree on what rules apply during the Parisavtalen, used the Nasheed the opportunity to, in very clear terms, to ask that the world’s politicians radically turn up the ambitions of climate policy and begin to talk a language people understand. (The language used in the climate change negotiations at the united nations is notoriously technical and complicated)

– In the 24 years of klimaforhandlinger we have had the same language, the same vision, and we have not achieved any thing. It is a young lady here (the Swedish klimaaktivisten Greta Thunberg (15) journ.anm.) that puts us all in skammekroken. This conference, that Paris, going to cost more than 60 million dollars. Each year, we use so much, and we achieve nothing.

– Now, it is perhaps time for some hard truths, said Nasheed, and continued:

– Emissions go up, up, up, and all we do is talk, talk, talk. We will not win the fight.


Demokratiforkjemperen Nasheed has for many years been a strong voice in the global klimadebatten. He was Maldivenes first democratically elected leader but was deposed through what was referred to as a coup d’état in 2012, and has lived in exile in London.

the Nasheed call it “madness” if this is not the climate summit leads to that the countries in the world is increasing efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

the Obligations of the world’s countries currently have taken on after Parisavtalen in 2015 is far from enough, and govern according to the united nations against a warming of three degrees. One of the findings in the latest report from the Un intergovernmental panel on climate change, is that if it gets two degrees warmer will more than 99 per cent of all tropical coral reefs die.

– coral Reefs are the foundation of our country. It is made of, and protected by, the coral reef. The maldives is an ecosystem, and we can’t let it die, he said.

– don’t Listen to us

Nasheed believes it that is now needed is that the approach to the klimaproblemet snuff, and he addressed the large utslippslandene in the world, albeit without mentioning names.

– Half of the fight was all about that we ask the major countries to cut emissions of ethical reasons. But you don’t listen to us. It did you never, ” he said.

Here is the reason why finansfolket has been concerned about the climate

the Maldives, he said, will propose “a different language, a different strategy and a different will”.

– I think we need a completely new frame for what we require. Let us require something positive instead of something negative. I think we should demand that it invested so much in clean energy, that they stop using fossil fuels.

We are a nation of surrender, and will do everything we can to ensure that we survive. But we do only if we survive as a planet. So let us take each other’s hands, to commit ourselves to investing in clean energy, and let it be the road map for survival.

– Too much distance to the people

In a comment to the Newspaper after the press conference, underlined the Nasheed that he believes that the way to solve the climate crisis is to focus on green technologies as business opportunities.

– Why do you think it is so difficult to get to large enough changes on the political level?

This graph is very bad news

Politicians act when people ask them to do it. Governments survive and fall when people want it. But it is too large a distance between the people and the conferences like this. We must find a way to talk to people. In the day when we are not out, we can’t communicate, and then understand nor do people how serious this is.

Norway will increase ambition

During the Parisavtalen, Norway has committed itself to emission cuts of 40 percent by 2030 compared with emissions in 1990. According to Parisavtalen must states opt-into new goals every five years, and the next time is in 2020.

During an event at the climate summit yesterday promised Norway, as a part of a group of countries that call themselves “High ambition coalition”, that they are determined to reinforce their obligations under the Parisavtalen in 2020.

Climate and miljøminister Elvestuen, as in the day came with the news that the Uk is approaching an agreement with the EU on climate policy, will not yet say how much the Uk will reinforce its commitment to Parisavtalen.