The six additional state attorneys and four administrative assistants are primarily means of serious economic offences, edit, but, nevertheless, specialist knowledge, cases of so-called “Para-economy of crime”. For example, investment cases or bankruptcy fraud, misuse of companies.

The government justifies this decision in today’s Tuesday decision published in order that the professional and timely processing of the procedures of the Para-economic crime, for the preservation of the good reputation of the financial centre of Zurich is just as important as dealing with the particularly complex economic crime. In the future, the government wants it usually comes within 20 months from the display to the indictment or criminal warrant or to the setting of the procedure.

economic situation spurred Criminal

The six planned Stations are affiliated to the General Prosecutor’s offices. These prosecutors have no on-call services and are not involved in the day to day business, but to focus on the Para-economy of crime. According to Peter Pellegrini, head of the office of the public Prosecutor III, had already been processed, medium-heavy economic crimes of the General Prosecutor’s offices. Because many of the cases are so complicated that they can not be staffed by part-time edited and often the Know-how was lacking, to deal in the future, so-called Para-WK-prosecutors. Serious cases of economic crime will continue to be edited by the specialists of the Prosecutor’s office III, where there are in the actual WK-area of a total of 18 full-time positions.

economic crimes have increased in the past year. The mountain of Outstanding cases at the Prosecutor’s office III increased according to Pellegrini between fall 2017 and fall 2018. He believed that the good economic situation for the rise. Investment capital is currently available at a low price, what scammers are calling on the Plan, at the same time, plant emergency due to the current interest rate and stock market situation, what motivates investors to risk investment there is currently. Added to this is the staff-developed anti-money laundering, which has led to a rise in the number of money laundering reports. (

Created: 08.01.2019, 17:58 PM