A Film about Huldrych Zwingli dominated the movie charts, the 500-year anniversary will be much reported on the Zurich Reformation. But this Highly deceptive. In reality, the city of Zurich has far from Zwingli’s heritage.

34 per cent of the people of Zurich to designate themselves as unaffiliated. As much as never before. This is the result of a new analysis of statistics city of Zurich. At the same time, the share of the Evangelical-Reformed (22 per cent) and Roman Catholic (28 percent). The groups of Muslim women (6 percent), and Christian Orthodox (4 percent) stayed in the 20 years, almost the same size.

by 1850 was in Zurich, an almost purely reformed city. However, the economic success attracted Immigrants from Catholic areas. The Catholics were more, to be exceeded at the beginning of the 90s, their number those of the Reformed.

the rise of The confessional began in 1970. Since then, it goes uphill steeply, in 2012, they overhauled the inside in proportion to the Catholic. Now they form the biggest group. In the whole of Switzerland, their share is 22 percent. Zwingli, Zürich became the capital of the Church of the muffle.

The development is crystallized in the Escher-Wyss district. This is achieved with approximately half of the highest urban proportion of unchurched. In the new buildings of Zurich-West, a lot of younger, well-educated people who earn a lot of life. It is often also Expats. Among all these groups, the number of the denomination is loose.

less offspring

Earlier it was assumed that the country churches, the members of the “die off”, says Klemens Rosin of statistics city of Zurich. This is not true. There are three other main reasons why the unchurched at the expense of the country churches spread.

1. None of the women give birth to more children than reformed or Catholic women.

2. It is more confessional in a Hiking loosely as a Religious. Among the Expats from the US, the UK or France, the ratio of the denomination is loose even at about two-thirds.

3. Each year, about 6 out of 1000 people living in abandoned churches of the country, the most common of these to do the 25 – to 39-Year-old. The Younger to give as a reason that they had never a Faith. Elderly people, the escape, do this rather, because the position of the religion took to reject communities.

is likely to be The group of the denomination continue to be bigger, says Klemens Rosin. “Especially in the case of the Reformed, only a few Young to come.” Similar to Rafael Walthert, assistant Professor of religious studies at the University of Zurich sees this. Just a Generation growing up, whose parents have already heard of a Religion. “This leads to a distance towards the land of churches, one could imagine a few decades ago.”

No commitments

a lay person, but these were not atheists necessarily, says Walthert. Many of them deal with alternative religious ideas such as reincarnation; they meditated or did Yoga. “In spirituality, you try, doing what fits just right.” The membership of the Church will, however, connected with a catalogue of Beliefs that one must accept as a Whole. Such a comprehensive claim of the confession rejected. “You’d better choose yourself.”

The decline of the country churches is causing so far, no loss of importance, says Rafael Walthert. “As a moral-ethical instance, you have to keep a high Reputation.”


Created: 29.01.2019, 21:42 PM