An expert report filed just a few days before the start of the trial by the output to Bag of Bankia has focused the fourth and last day of the year. The defenses of the 34 processed do not want to accept in the cause and have come to accuse their author, an inspector of the Bank of Spain, of lack of independence. The text, which has had access to THE COUNTRY, ensures that Bankia hid in the prospectus of ipo information on the litigation that maintained with the insurer Aviva, which he claimed to 904 million euros.


While it returns to the bench for the output to Bag of Bankia, the office of The Prosecutor envisages strengthening its accusation against the dome of Bankia

Bankia offered in the prospectus of the OPS (public offering of subscription ations) “incomplete information”, concludes the inspector, Antonio Busquets, “does not disclose the amount of the claim, 904 million euros, and incorrect, to indicate that you would not have a material impact adversely on the financial position of the Group Bankia”. This claim of Aviva was not taken into account neither in the annual accounts of 2011 made on 28th march 2012, with Rodrigo Rato as president, nor on accounts that have been reformulated as of may 25, 2012, when he presided over the institution, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, reminds the expert in his report.

Already in the session of Wednesday, the lawyer Rodrigo Rato, Ignacio Ayala, criticized the new report, which is dated 14 of November and was handed over to the anti-Corruption Office. This was the third enlargement of the expert report that in his time the investigating judge, Fernando Andreu, has commissioned two inspectors of the Bank of Spain. The two experts determined that the ipo of Bankia was fraudulent.

For the lawyer of Time that report should be withdrawn as evidence because it helplessness to their client. Ayala came to attacking Busquets, questioning his independence and wonder if it is “investigating for your account and risk”. “Who commissioned that report? The porno office of the Prosecutor has not asked; the court has not asked”, he said during his speech, which amounted to several rhetorical questions: “do, Or there is an autonomy expert?”, “Or is it that Busquets has become the accusing party?”

At the meeting this Thursday the remainder of the defenses of the defendants agreed with Ayala to criticize the report and to the expert who has written and assured that the moment has come to the cause, four years after his first work on the output to Bag of Bankia, prevents them from ordering a contrapericial that rebata. The anti-Corruption Office gave the report at the first session of the trial. On Wednesday, the allegations had not been able to consult it to not be all the documentation you uploaded to the network.

Among other disqualifications, defense lawyers criticize the subsequent reports of Busquets have been giving different results, with up to seven “faithful images’ of the state accounting of Bankia. Sources of the defenses also ensures that each expert gave different numbers when it considered the situation of the entity.

The expert report of 21 pages, he concludes by saying that “the existence of any criminal offence […] shall have to be appreciated by the competent authority”. This ensured after indicate that Bankia sold to Mapfre, in 2014, a 50% stake in the share capital of Aseval and Laietana Vida by 147 million euros, when the cost of that participation “was at least 551 million.” “The difference between the two values, 404 million, it could lead to some kind of compensation for potential losses registered by Mapfre in the OPS of Bankia”. And he adds that this is “something impossible to prove with the information available.”

The trial will resume next January 8, session in which the president of the tribunal, Ángela Murillo, communicate to the parties the decision of the board with respect to the issues prior to, after which will begin the statements of the 34 defendants.