I am an older american citizens who suffer from sleep disorders. What bothers me in our global (and Swedish) the situation is the realization of how confused the politicians of the world are facing the real political challenges. They are mainly two.

the Climate and the refugee situation. To a large extent they hang together. The policy response to the climate crisis consists either of skönsnack or reference to the international agreements, which are not followed then they are prevented by the consumption patterns and tillväxtidéer. Late in the year 2000, the number of refugees in the world increased by 47 per cent, according to the UN. Now is the Tempobet 259 million people to flee from famine, war, violence, political persecution and natural disasters.

Agneta Pleijel Photo: Paul Hansen

326 million. Near enough a whole the united states therefore find themselves on the run. (There is a picture in your head as clear as the picture of the plastic in the oceans to a storleksyta of England.)

Migration is greeted everywhere by the requirements for reduced immigration, defended borders and bortskyfflande of migrants to other parts. The EU’s attempt to create rules similar to unfortunately most andtäppa. Locally, in Sweden, no one knows how many people who live as hidden so that the after asylavslag not have anywhere to return – thus consigned to papperslöshet in a limbo.

At the time of the terror attack on Drottninggatan was estimated this group to be about 50 000 and it has increased since then. I read a thought-provoking editorial by Amanda Sokolnicki in DN where she is trying to calculate the political profit as the means to keep the Swedish people in a good mood. A content (resources)klassverige is certainly a great political victory.

She also calculates the losses to billions – a growing group of people of ethnic and educational reasons, are excluded from the labour market and constitutes a kind of death, the lump in the society. It means more and more people without a future and deprived of their energy.

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oförvillad glance at the state – historieforskarna will tell you about 50 years – it is not possible to turn a blind eye to what it means. The political parties have överbjudit each other in blaming yourself for not already prior to 2015 have strangled/limited immigration. Social democratic response was a highly restrictive new law. Permanent residence permits were abolished, as well as the right to family reunification. ”Particularly distressing reasons,” was removed.

Sweden has become one of Europe’s toughest countries for migrants. Now I’m going to take a concrete example, yazidernas situation. Many may not know who they are, but they are a good illustrationsexempel. Yaziderna is a etnoreligiös ethnic group without a homeland. They live scattered in Iraq, Syria, Armenia and Turkey. They are between 700 000 and one million people. Illiterate. Mostly fårägare. One of the old Mesopotamian oldest people (from approximately 4000 bc). They have throughout history been persecuted with tens of thousands of violent abuse.

One of the worst took place August 3, 2014, which IS in the north of Iraq, subjecting them to genocide. It was yazidernas ”the black day”. It gave some headlines and many yazider became refugees. Approximately 6 000 came to Sweden. In Germany, they learn to be 100 000. Here to Sweden they will, however, often from Syria and Turkey. Entire villages have walked away. The migration board do not understand what they are. Therefore, expulsion of the not rarely (after the peculiar language testing) where they have never been.

the refugee Camp Fishkhabour near the Syrian border is growing with 100’s of tents every day, August 2014. Photo: Roger Turesson

”apathetic children” is a concept in Sweden – the child gives up, settles down and the normal function of the body ceases and that he is having tube feeds for survival. Gellert Tamas wrote about ten years ago the book ”The apathetic” about these kids. Media interest cooled with time, but the apathetic child is still there. Nowadays, they are known as ”devitaliserade”.

Many yazidska children are apathetic. Many have seen the ICE-massacre 2014 on Youtube and has lived in constant anxiety. Because parents are not Swedish and can’t read is the children’s task is to convey the rejection from the migration board. After two to three rejections give the child up.

7-year-old girl from Syria has been in 2½ years and will be deported to Turkey. 16-year-old apathetic boy from Turkey be deported to Armenia. 14-year-old girl came in 2015, and the refusal 2017 and is since then with tube feeding in anticipation of deportation. As well as an 18-year-old boy who had been here in nine years, and has been for over a year. They are sick does not prevent the expulsion. As long as they are ”transportable” – can be moved with the help of a stretcher – operated the and families, who often said to the wrong country.

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isolated yaziderna there is a strict gender segregation: a woman who received so much as a glance from a non-yazidsk you can be dödshotad of their own. Some families have fled for that reason (”culture of honor”), but shall be expelled to those who threaten them. This year the Nobel peace prize awarded to Nadia Murad for her struggle for yazidernas human rights. She talks hot about the need to help them to education, emancipation and literacy.

The yazidska refugees ‘ situation in Sweden is, in short, hopeless. Only hope for a sort of future (the right to stay somewhere, residence permit) may devitaliserade children to wake up to life. Then recover slowly, as it has been proven. During the time that they are destroyed, the brain and body.

the Fact is that yazidernas anxiety not unlike others in the growing group of undocumented immigrants who are in hiding. It deserves the attention. ”Begränsningslagen”, as lawyers call the new laws, can give a maximum of 3 years in a temporary residence permit (TUT) and 13 months at the protection ”of a different kind”. According to the aliens act § 2:18, the migration board has the right to grant the TUT if verkställighetshinder exists. It is not, according to the lawyers. I have taken part of numerous refusals, which, although it mentions this possibility, but in the end, through the linguistic ekvilibristik still lands in the expulsion. It is the easiest so.

should begränsningslagen soon be replaced by something more humane. It does not seem to happen. Though it is costly with bureaucracies for flyktingsortering plus polisspaning plus police stations plus flight costs for deportation, it is considered necessary. From Sweden, the authorities now and then off a few pieces of the afghans, as a kind of tårtgarnityr to get us to believe that we live in an orderly world with regulated immigration.

This to some other (we) should be able to live in thoughtless over-consumption and play Black Friday to increase traffic and emissions and be able to tell us that everything is as it should be. The world is like the three monkeys with hands, mouth, eyes and ears. You yearn for a satirist such as Jonathan Swift in his modest proposal that the famine in Ireland could be alleviated if the poor irishman offered their children as food.

most people do not lack empathy. It is just painful to take in how it really is. What could help would be a change in mentality of the majority of people on earth. Our elected officials will not fix it. Not a new government either; a beautiful day, we get perhaps one. It depends, therefore, on us. I dislike moralising; I’m in the same situation as all the others.

is at least one sleepless night a month for each of us to think about the world. What you can do yourself. Not least when it comes to the interlinked issues of climate, environment and migration. How a sensible – human – world could look like. But also to fix the short-term the instruction of fools, as it is demonstrated in most areas.