Showbiz Prince Antoine Tau Edouard Adrien was born today. He is the son of prince Edouard de Ligne de la Trémoille (42) and his wife Isabella Orsini (44). Our country will get there as a prince. But why is the little boy, that no blood has with the royal family, the title of prince?

The Ligne is one of approximately ten families in Belgium, of which the descendants of a princely title. They receive no endowment or other advantages. They also make no claim on the throne, and have no obligations towards our country. And yet are the princes of Belgium. Jo De Poorter explains why that is. “There are three types of princes in Belgium, namely princes of the royal family, church, princes and then there are old noble families in Belgium with the title of prince.”

Read also Belgium has a new prince in

“A prinsentitel, although it is very royal sound, is actually similar to that of margrave, duke, marquis, baron or knight. It sounds very generous, but actually it is a higher version of a baron”, clarifies the royaltywatcher. “The most famous prince who is within that category, it is Simon de Merode.” That the other noble princes not to our factual knowledge, it is perfectly normal according to the koningskenner. “Most of those families keep in the background and are located in the higher financial circles.”