(Obi.no): – Boligkjøperne woke up earlier from December-dormancy than normal. Already for the weekend, it is notified well-visited views of the whole country. This means that the agents receive an intensive jobbehelg with Sunday as the big visningsdagen, commenting Grethe W. Meier to the Obi.en, and shows that it is usually from the middle of January that the housing market wakes up.

Agents also report a great deal of interest around the homes that were laid out already in the romjulen, and many privatvisninger is booked.

House prices yppet

Boligprisstatistikk from the Estate Norway, Finn.en and land value showed on Friday that house prices fell 0.2 per cent in December.

Adjusted for seasonal variations was house prices up 0.7 per cent.

12-månedersveksten came in at 2.8 per cent, and the step thus, from 2.0 per cent in november.

When it comes to house prices in December were as expected with a slight decline. For the year 2018, I will describe this year as the best boligåret we have had in the housing market the eleven years I have been in the industry, ” says Meier.

She hopes to 2019 is a blueprint of 2018.

It is both beneficial to be boligkjøper and boligselger. Favorable for the buyer, because there are many homes to choose from, and because you have more time to look at homes and choose, and favorable to be a seller because there are many homes out there for sale, which makes that the interest gets bigger and more buyers come on the field.

Predict up to three per cent

The perfect property market means according to the commander of the Brokerages high activity more than the price fluctuations.

– There is good activity in all markets, from historic villas to smaller apartments. For 2019, I believe that house prices will rise in excess of three per cent for the country and anything over five per cent for Oslo. At the same time there will be local fluctuations, as always, ” concludes Meier to the Obi.no.

does not surprise

Friday’s boligprisstatistikk was according to the managing director of Norwegian real estate agents Carl O. Geving, as expected.

– December-numbers are more or less as expected, but little interesting for the big picture since this is always a relatively quiet month in the housing market. 2018 has been characterized by high omsetningsvolumer in a well-functioning housing market, ” he says in a comment.

Forward indicates prisdrivere as interest rate, income and boligtilbud according to Geving that we get a well-balanced housing market with a slight rise in prices in 2019.

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