the Phenomenon of the wine in the jar comes mainly from the united states, the world’s largest wine market. But there is an increased interest from manufacturers in other countries. Between June 2017 and June 2018, sales increased by 43 percent in the united states, according to the american analysbolag.
so far no major product. But then in march, there is a nyzeeländskt wine on Systembolaget’s shelves and in June launched a rosé wine of the jar.
According to Staffan Adin, buyer at Systembolaget, aluminum cans several advantages, in glass bottles.
– The primary is from a sustainability perspective. Because they weigh less, take up less space and are easier to recycle, they are considerably better for the climate. If the customers are ripe for it, is another question.
IN the united states has a turnover of vinburksmarknaden 45 million dollars. It is very small in context, but interesting, since the growth rate is large.
Ben Luker, who is working at the international consultancy firm Wine Intelligence, believe that it is, above all, is a younger target audience who might think to try the jar.
– If you are enjoying wine outdoors, for example, have a picnic in the park, is can the appropriate.
in all variants; red, white, rosé and sparkling.
“But a lot of clients automatically assume that it is aerated when it is in the jar, so sparkling seems to be slightly more common,” says Luker.
For producers means the jar both opportunities and challenges. It is important that the wine tastes good so that customers return, so the worst and cheapest wines may not be suitable to be dropped on the jar. At the same time, is the jar might not be the right package for the very finest.
– It is not a super premium product. I would say that it is medeldyrt, ” says Luker.
can also lead to increased consumption of wine. The central union for alcohol and narcotics (CAN) published 2017, a report with the conclusion that the swede on average drink three glasses of wine a month more today than it was 20 years ago, as a direct consequence of the lådvinets entrance on Systembolaget’s shelves in 1996.
Sven Andréasson, professor in social medicine with a focus on alcohol research at the Karolinska institute, mean that it is too early to predict whether the new vinförpackningen can have a similar effect.
one can say at such an early stage is that the packaging is a clear expression of how the industry wants to reach different groups of consumers in order to sell more. We do not know what effects it might have, but it is something that should be studied in the future, ” says Sven Andréassen.