The Plan to the Coal phase-and the Federal government makes every effort to spread Confidence. The concern about rising electricity prices, trying to dispel economy Minister Altmaier.

The Federal government wants to examine the compromise of the coal Commission to phase out the production of energy through coal, “carefully and constructively”. The Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier, announced in an Interview with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper”.

coal exit represents from the point of view of the CDU-politician, one of the “most demanding transformation processes of the last decades”. Altmaier showed on the basis of the majority had been in the Commission behind the compromise, confident that their implementation “could succeed with a large social consensus”. The power supply looks Altmaier, by the roadmap of the coal Commission is not in jeopardy and he was convinced that the climate objectives of the Federal government, by 2030, could be achieved with the step by step Coal phase-out.

The coal Commission had agreed in the night on Saturday after the final marathon of negotiations of more than 20 hours on it, that Germany should adopt no later than 2038 of the coal. The exit could also be to three years preferred, should the economic situation of the former From give. The Federal government should encourage the transition from coal power to other energy sources financially: 40 billion euros should be invested by 2040.