Too much salt, too few fruits, whole grains and nuts. These factors sound familiar as the ingredients of an unhealthy diet. A new study on it now a: The researchers calculate how many people such an eating plan. According to the medical magazine “Lancet” Figures published annually in the world, eleven million people are dying a preventable death – more than by Smoking. The first headlines read, anyway.
“Possible influence”
Actually, the scientists themselves are much more cautious. They interpret their results as “the possible influence of a sub-optimal diet” on death and disease. Can’t know it for various reasons anyway. One of them is that it is also the best doctor or the pathologist almost never possible, a death in the family exclusively, or even mainly on the diet of the Departed. The cause of death, “Too much ice-cream” is certainly not on any death certificate.
What is considered healthy, and what comes as unhealthy – the data underlying such determinations, are almost exclusively from so-called observational studies. It is observed, for example, that Spaniards have more olive oil and fish meal than the Chinese, and that they also have a higher life expectancy. Whether really those ingredients on the plate to make the Spaniards healthier, or if perhaps other factors are more important to a relaxed life-style overall, maybe, or the Siesta in the Special, or of higher standard of living, or the entire red wine – such a conclusion is seriously not possible.
Topkiller NaCl
It is not the only limitation of such calculations. The main killer, the authors of the study by Christopher Murray of the University of Washington have identified, in the case of professionals, highly controversial. Three million deaths alone is cause to high salt consumption per year. Recent study data, and new analyses of existing studies suggest, but something else: Daily amounts of Salt six grams or a bit more, the authors of the Lancet study classify as problematic, seem to be persons without any special pre-existing conditions anyway, nothing to identify. It notes that the recommended small amounts of three grams could even be unhealthy, there are increasing rather.
Mexico: sugar olé
But in China, the salt consumption, and with it the incidence rate of the cardiovascular system increases. The salt is to blame? Or perhaps the otherwise pretty changing, sedentary life-style? Or other factors, more and more cheap finished products of bad air to everyday Stress, or even the country’s single time zone, some of the Chinese until noon the first ray of Sunshine to see?
in addition, studies always bring unexplainable outliers, which can also be used with the best statistics, not subtract. Also, in the case of the current data analysis, a few countries, and the eating habits of its citizens fit not at all well. In Mexico, more of as a very unhealthy force of pure sugar is consumed than almost anywhere else in the world. Nevertheless, the Mexicans have managed to it almost in the Top 10 of the countries with the least food of the dead. Maybe all the corn tortillas from the same sugar damage? You don’t know it. Also you are usually not whole grain and are full of quickly available carbohydrates. Also corn oil, with all its Omega-6 acids is considered to be unhealthy and would not therefore fit into the picture.
nuts… and mushrooms
Even in the case of the of the study’s authors cited the important and obvious factor is fruit, all is not so clear. Large studies showed that fruits and vegetables seem to be actually healthy. However, if one analyzes the factor fruit alone, disappears, the positive effect like once complete. And what’s with the nuts? Results of the study to write you very positive effects, one would eat every day a handful of them. Even beyond those of pure observation studies positive effects are at least somewhat occupied.
Whether the world would be healthier if all always nuts to eat? No one knows. Perhaps rather not, because nuts are extremely prone to molds.
More about
agreement with the food industry, What is healthy?
Richard Friebe
And mold fungus toxic mold, the mold on nuts, is one of the few nutritional factors, which really ensure it is demonstrated that they are very unhealthy.