The warning strike of German train on Monday morning was unexpectedly hard. Because the DB set the long-distance traffic nationwide, affected millions of rail customers in Germany. In Berlin the S-Bahn set for several hours in the city traffic mostly. In regional traffic, there was, during the four-hour strike action in the Morning, especially in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia to significant limitations. After the end of the Strike at nine o’clock, there were still hours of cancellations and delays. Background collective bargaining for 160,000 Workers with the railway and transport Union – abbreviated as EVG.

The latest developments on the aftermath of the Strike can be read here in our Blog.

“The force of the strike makes it clear how great is the annoyance of the colleagues is the fact that no final offer is,” said a Union spokesman. The toe had broken off the talks on Saturday, but further discussions to be held from Tuesday afternoon ready. If the railway had presented a new offer, not want to the negotiator Regina Rusch-Ziemba say. Further Strikes were planned for the time being, she said.

a walkout on Monday morning, a hard patience for commuters and travelers. Many had to Dodge on the car or other means of transport. Because information systems on the web-site and in the DB were the Navigator, affected customers are not informed properly. Also, the travel centres have been on strike. It was the first strike in the railway for three and a half years.

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The Deutsche Bahn is still expected throughout the day, with limitations in long-distance transport. “Because of the strike activities, trains could be in the maintenance works routine maintenance”, explained the railway. “Trains and staff are not, in many cases, to the designated places of use.”

The group had been advised rail customers in advance of travel to move as far as possible on the Tuesday. For certain savings tickets for a specific train has been cancelled. Long-distance transport, tickets retain their validity and can, up to and including Sunday (16.12.) be used. In the case of trip cancellations due to warning Strikes refunds of Tickets and reservations are planned.

The railway currently runs with two sides of collective bargaining talks with the EVG, on the other, with the German train drivers Union (GDL). With the GDL and the railway come together on Tuesday in Eisenach. There is a labor dispute threatens not so fast: The GDL is allowed to go on strike because of an agreement in the first place, if a conciliation has failed.

Video 10.12.2018, 10:22 Uhr00:59 Min.Warning strikes at Deutsche Bahn: nationwide traffic chaos

the situation is Different in the toe. The railway had negotiated for three days separately with the two unions. Both unions had originally demanded 7.5 percent more money. The toe broke off the talks and called for a warning strike, because of the pay offer, the rail is too low. The track spoke of “a totally unnecessary escalation”.

To quote module to track information, a pay increase of a total of 5.1 percent in two stages, and a one-off payment of 500 euros. Instead of the second stage should be opened to the employees once again have the opportunity to choose more leisure. This should be according to the ECG, but only from the beginning of 2021. The railway had proposed to 29 months, the EDC aimed to 24 months. In the case of a longer duration in the case of the first increase in a 3 before the decimal point, step Rusch-Ziemba has made it clear.

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news blog to the railway strike Union wants to negotiate – no new strikes are planned in a Huff

Kai Portmann, Sophie Krause, Heike Jahberg Melanie Berger

After the warning strike was the response of the other railway companies on the German network. “When EVG and Deutsche Bahn provide an argument, you need to limit your actions on areas that concern only the two of you”, called for Tobias Heinemann, the head of Germany of the French Transdev, the regional trains in several Federal States to. “Our train drivers and train conductors are now appeared to work in the Morning, but can’t drive,” said Heinemann. “We can’t bring passengers from A to B, because, literally, the Soft will not put.” Freight traffic also was affected, according to information from the Deutsche Bahn from the recusal. (dpa)