We swedes consume as if we had four planets. Low prices rising all the time, the momentum in consumer spending and Black Friday is the ultimate expression of this structural over-consumption. We suggest that consumers, retailers and politicians will take the opportunity to challenge the köphetsen and see Black Friday as a starting point for a necessary social change.

the Concern and awareness of climate problems is growing, but still absent decisive changes in our lifestyle and consumption. Social and behavioral research explains the paradox of value-handlingsgapet – we value sustainable climate high but is nevertheless in a way that damages the climate.

the Standard that we regularly update our wardrobe, home interior, home theater system and sports equipment is spread of trade, advertising, brands, and fashion. Konsumtionsnormen embedded in the political signals about the importance of growth, prosperity and jobs. Black Friday is the ultimate expression of this.

Expensive goods is an investment, and we want to take care of. But the consumption of low-cost products has led to that we no longer have knowledge about how to care for and repair what we bought – or that things are impossible to cook.

We know that we consume too much. Now approaching christmas and Black Friday, the year’s biggest shoppinghelg, and we are bombarded by tempting offers: super low prices! Crazy sale! Sale! Tokbilliga products! Prisfest! Really good chapter! Department stores filled to the brim!

. Last year put this novemberfredag record. According to estimates from PostNord – a study of Lining the Sifo – consumed, and the swedes for sek 5.3 billion during the campaign’s first day. And who doesn’t want a bargain?

the Debate on sustainable consumption, including the research on it, have since decades back been the how consumers can be persuaded to buy an eco-labelled product instead of a non-eco-labelled. Now grow a more radical consumer criticism, which calls into question the large amount of consumption. It is time for the actors, also within the trade and politics to take this criticism seriously. Black Friday is a campaign that shows the wrong way.

We live in a consumer culture that is characterized by volume rather than quality.

the Change is a societal challenge that involves all of these levels:

To consume a lot at a low price has become natural and normal: a right. Economist Juliet Shor describes in the book ”Born to buy”, how konsumtionshets built into the brain’s reward system already when we are children. Reward hormone dopamine firing in the brain of extra presents as we build up a high expectation of owning a certain product. Soon after the gadget has become our rings to the satisfaction of. And köpsuget will come back again – any long-lasting happiness you get rarely of a purchase.

Research shows that consumption decisions mainly are taken in a social context. Shopping is a form of socializing, recreation and vacation, and create cohesion. In addition, we compare ourselves with others and do not want to be different, but have the others have to raise our social status and comply with social norms.

The american journalistprofessorn Ellen Ruppel Shell shows in the book ”Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture”, how companies have invested enormous resources and developed sophisticated marketing in order to sell cheap, mass-produced goods. ”Cheap” has been a growth strategy for the trade. Mass consumption and the high material standard of living has been as important policy goals. To be able to afford is a part of this policy.

It requires a great deal of innovation in both politics and trade. The trade can opt-out feast for the massförsäljning as Black Friday and instead of the volume to focus on quality and sustainable products. Decision-makers in politics and authorities must support such a shift.

This is also the trade as a responsibility, do we really need more days which encourages overspending and the newly produced goods? Recently went over 130 companies, influencers, and organizations together to create an antithesis to Black Friday: White Monday which have circular deals to the consumers. The same day also occurs the global campaign ”A Köpfri day” as a reaction to the köphysterin, a grass-roots movement since 1992.

Environmental problems and solutions are linked to power, money, inequality and conflict. Growing social inequalities are contributing to a need to retain the cheap products. A quest away from the lågpriskulturen need to be matched with a desire that all should afford to buy the most essential goods that also have good quality, are durable, can be repaired. This must also include socially and ecologically sustainable conditions for those who produce the products.

the Expensive goods are an investment, and we want to take care of. But the consumption of low-cost products has led to that we no longer have knowledge about how to care for and repair what we bought – or that things are impossible to cook.

We must learn about: Use Black Friday to reflect upon your consumption and your needs. It is in the talks of the family, in the neighbourhood, among friends and at work as norms and habits regarding the consumption and needs must be discussed and challenged – if we are to reduce our consumption and move towards a level that requires a plane, not four.