Again a memorable event in the zoo Pairi Daiza. There is the Asian elephant Aye Chan May give birth to a calf. The female is just like her mother in good health and with much love is surrounded by ‘May’, and her team of caregivers. It is already the third time in Pairi Daiza, an elephant calf is healthy and well in the world.

Also for the 23-year-old Aye Chan May itself, this is the third calf. In 2009 she gave birth to in her former residence in the zoo of Cologne, a son, Khing Yadanar Min. The now 9-year-old bull will stay healthy and well in the Zoo of Heidelberg. Her second calf was less fortunate. In 2016 died in Pairi Daiza just after the birth to a deformity, which, of course, for a lot of emotion created by both May as its caretakers. That this time everything will prosper went, was a great relief for the entire team at Pairi Daiza. the

the Father of the newborn calf is the 18-year-old bull Po Chin, which since 2010 in Pairi Daiza are staying. In the park, he has Ta Wan already have a son of 1.5 years old to roam, the mother of Ta Wan is the matriarch Khaing Hnin Hnin.