Günter Roth too. Or he is a scientist who has done, what would others do in the whole country also like, if you would trust only is he a Uni-Hero?

Roth, University of Freiburg applies for the status of Excellence. From the window of his building on the Campus of the system biologist was able to observe a few weeks ago, as the University on the visit of the evaluators prepared: “Suddenly the for years now the dim panes on the ground floor have been replaced,” reports Roth. “The floor of the ground floor was re-sealed and shiny welded rubbert, deductions made, cleaned, and even had the foresight to leave the unsightly earth-Parking boards.” “Beautiful post” in Red and White had been mounted. Not a coincidence: “The delusions of, the excellence to Freiburg to get, has developed splendor in the past few weeks, full of quirky,” says Roth.

Because there, where the reviewer is not in the Past gone to the village were able to look at Roth and his staff in the room, “draws it in the window, the doctoral candidates sitting part with a fan heater on a PC, I with grandma-ceiling,” says Roth. In the summer it is also bad. Since the building on the South side has no blinds and the Uni-Central for four years, on the desire to not have responded, would have bought the researchers, finally, of their own money which at Aldi, and they are “illegal” is appropriate.

just before Christmas, things tapered to

but That is not the reason why Roth said, finally, to act. Not always a lack of paper, I bought Roth’s group finally private money. Or that the center of a long fight for its share of the Overheads. Or that the research devices are since a few years break, but just recently, the renewal promised had been – perhaps because Roth had threatened to put you for committing to excellence appraiser with a big “BUSTED”sign in front of the labs, he says. For a Long time, Roth sees the once-from the Foundation of the land Baden-Württemberg had initiated the centre for Biosystems analysis (ZBSA), where he conducts research as a group leader, of the Uni-line left in the lurch. Unclear, the situation had become, since in the building of the new cluster of excellence CIBBS.

It was shortly before Christmas that brought things to a head so far, Yes, according to Roth escalated, he decided to become active. Gunther Neuhaus, Vice-rector of the University, organised an information event for the employees of the centre. However, he did not mention last to the importance of the initiative for excellence the University of Freiburg, tells Roth. A disgruntled employee I declared then: “If I am asked in the Commission of the DFG, then I tell them the truth”. Was meant to be the truth about the Situation at the ZBSA, the employees, as Roth describes it. Neuhaus have been in the first row of the auditorium and said threateningly to the researcher (paraphrased): “you have to bear the consequences,” says Roth. More Neuhaus should have (paraphrased) said: “If you don’t agree with the price of the Uni, then you should turn away from her and go.”

Vice-rector Neuhaus protests against insinuations

Neuhaus Has threatened the researchers are really concerned with the consequences, he should report the excellence of experts from his point of view on reality? To do this, Neuhaus is on request by a speaker to notify that he “keep himself expressly against the alleged quotes, insinuations and personal attacks on the part of Dr. Roth’s”. Neuhaus leave “at the moment, consider the possibility of civil legal action against Dr. Roth. Against the Background of a possible legal procedure, he will not speak in public“. In addition, Neuhaus can tell, the ZBSA to get the uni-the usual 30 percent of the Overhead funding for projects.

Roth was the alleged course of the information session, however, the reason to not be silent any longer, and denounce the for him more and more visible gap between the beautiful elite ticket, and the University reality, open to the public. The fact, Roth, with the intention of immediately prior to the University of Freiburg, which is so important to visit the excellence assessors.

He wrote a settlement with the excellence initiative, and the perceived States at the University of Freiburg: “With the urgent request to reconsider the excellence again, in particular because it is assumed that not all information about the University of Freiburg were available”, is on the Cover. 18. In March, two days before the major inspection by the evaluators, sent Roth the eight-page Letter to the DFG and to several Newspapers, posted it on Facebook and hung it on the door of the University rectorate, with Tesa-Film, so unlike weiland were heard in the case of Martin Luther, no heavy hammer strokes.

Roth, but hopes, nevertheless, a lot of attention for the described shortcomings and to the fact that not only his Uni-line, but also the excellence of reviewers, the DFG and the policy will have a View and the excellence competition blow-off: “I wish from my heart that the DFG stops everything,” he says. For this, he takes into account that his career is damaged. The personnel Department of the University has him summoned already.

At the universities, the fear of a three class system

“The truth will set you free”, quoted by Roth, the on the West facade of the auditorium carved Freiburg University’s motto. Excellence and truth are not compatible, says Roth with a view to the evaluators constructed Potemkin’s villages.

Anyway, Roth considers the excellence initiative is highly questionable. At German universities, the fear of a three-class system to go: “Who is not now top-class, should probably take a decade or two of the substitutes’ bench.”

harshly, he is also with the Federal Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU). They had increased in the competitive decision-making about the Cluster in September, the number of the selected projects. This is funded by the fact that all the clusters have to give a quarter of their funds: “Instead of 46 perfectly equipped race horses your send now 57 three-legged nag in the international race”, writes Roth. Many young researchers would now get what you promised, no more Jobs in the small saved clusters. Because the professors would probably rarely the field, in order to make them square. At all of the excellence initiative is often not the best, but the most ruthless scientists would benefit the most, those who understand positioning better. Also small, but nevertheless, excellent areas would simply “plowed”.

Meanwhile, Roth reported that it is cooking at the University””. In his action there was certainly criticism, but also very positive feedback, even from scientists who have to do with the special situation of the ZBSA.

The Board of Directors, Roth, on behalf of the center

the Board of Directors of the center position. It explains, “is that Dr. Roth speaks neither in the name of the ZBSA-Executive Board in the name of the group leader inside and group Director of the ZBSA”. The process of the Transfer of the ZBSA building in the planned new center will “with the involvement of all affected groups”: “All the scientists of the ZBSA will be housed for the duration of your current projects continue to be spatially adequately, and it will give you the opportunity, in the context of a new third-party funds projects of scientific development.” More hot it: “measures for the building maintenance at the University of Freiburg continuously and on demand (…) As all the premises of the University, but also to the rooms of the ZBSA to meet new needs and in the context of the statutory requirements.”

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Amory Burchard

Günter Roth’s fixed-term employment contract at the University of Freiburg runs out in a few months. As it goes for the father of two small children, he knows not exactly. It is clear to him, however, that every University should ask themselves whether they showed the reviewers of the excellence initiative”, the whole truth and nothing but the (harsh truth)”. From the DFG, he wants you to set up a special office of the Ombudsman, the scientists (of) can Exzellenzunis with unadorned impressions – if the DFG can’t stop the competition.