”such A victory and I am lost”, king Pyrrhus of Epirus have touted the year 279 bc, after the bloody battle against the romans at Asculum. Pyrrhus dreaded forces went victorious from the battle, but had suffered great losses.

since Then, the term ”pyrrhusseger” has become synonymous with a victory with so big own losses that they may lead to future defeat. And rarely can the phrase been so appropriate as now.

vote of confidence makes it possible for her to remain seated, but tarnishes her authority as party leader and prime minister. According to a variety of sources she had to, inter alia, to promise its members to leave his post before the next regular parliamentary elections are held in 2022.

Despite the concession she received only 200 votes in the own partigruppen. More than a third of the conservative members in the house of commons – 117 to be exact – voted against her, and they lack, therefore, completely trust in May.

There is a higher number than what the prime minister had hoped for.

the internal rules, a new vote of confidence may not take place until the earliest of one year. But there are other and equally important votes as of Wednesday’s drama may have implications for the.

First and foremost, is it all about the Brexit, which May further argue that it utträdesavtal negotiated with the EU is the only and best possible. She will try to push EU leaders to the smaller, and likely to be mainly cosmetic changes, but it will hardly win over many of the 117 members who eloquently showed that they are unhappy.

in Order to secure a majority for the agreement, can May be forced to stretch out a hand to the Labour. However, it will sit far inside. Not just for Jeremy Corbyn, in that case learn to set requirements in a completely different direction in the continuing negotiations, perhaps with a so-called ”Norgelösning” (the Efta-membership and continued membership in the internal market) goals.

for May is that the Tories do not have majority in the parliament. In order to get through budgets and political issues, she is depending of the northern irish, northern ireland, the DUP. And its management protest indignantly against utträdesavtalet, because the so-called our backup plan is going (”backstop”) of the border in Ireland means that northern Ireland is, in practice, stops in the single market.

the DUP fear that it may be the first step in northern Ireland leaving the United kingdom – something unionists have fought for generations in order to avoid.

Without the support of the DUP’s ten members of the parliament falls Mays government. And a vote of confidence on Mays’s role as prime minister may come as early as before christmas. In such cases, not behind the closed doors of the private partigruppen – but in the great chamber, with all parties present.