When he hear the content of the Swedish work environment Authority’s report on the socialsekreterares work environment sighs Kenneth Courtyard easy – not with resignation, but he sighs rather for that he is not surprised.

In the three years he worked as a social worker within the social group of young people in Hässelby-Vällingby.

to get help and guide the people. But in the end, he felt that the possibility no longer existed.

Last spring, he decided to stop.

” I reached a point where my moral compass and my ethical principles had a total of what the business required of me as an employee. The requirements became too much, everything revolved around time and lack of resources, ” says Kenneth Courtyard and continues:

– If you want to work with what you got to search for socialsekreteraryrket, to help and guide people, you have to try and catch up with the outside of regular working hours.

according to the Swedish work environment Authority report, in its introduction of the new social worker. This is something that Kenneth Courtyard feel again well.

– A newly hired colleague once said to me that she was so ignorant she did not even know when she did something wrong, ” he says.

the Swedish work environment authority finds that there is a normalization on the vulnerability for threats and violence and harassment. It also believes that a harmful mentality – which says, ”a little bit you should be able to withstand” – is etched in yrkespersonalen.

– It is a norm within the profession that one should be able to withstand a lot. As a social worker one feels often that a lonely little island, and not part of an organization, ” says Kenneth Courtyard.

within the profession, indicate that they were exposed to violence or threats of violence, according to the Swedish work environment authority.

– It sounds surprisingly little in my ears. I think that there are a large number of unreported cases. I, myself, were mostly just for violence verbally. Violence and threats of violence can manifest itself in different forms, but it is always unacceptable, ” says Kenneth Courtyard.

He emphasizes that its responsibility is great and their suggestions for solutions must be long-term.

– It is easy to just say that it needed more resources, but it is the truth – for there is no lack of will out there on the nation’s welfare offices. I think it needed something drastic in satsningsväg from the politicians to get to grips with the problems.

arbetsmiljöbristerna on the social offices is something that Kenneth Courtyard welcomes. But at the same time, he notes that it is not the first time that these issues be addressed.

– It is not so that we would not have known of the problems earlier. And considering all that talked about the shortcomings in recent years, I think the most: So many social workers can’t be wrong, ” says Kenneth Courtyard.

Eva Karsten is the inspector at the Swedish work environment authority. Photo: Pressphoto

Eva Karsten is the inspector at the Swedish work environment authority and has been project leader for the report. She believes that the workload within the profession remains a major problem.

” People are fleeing from the profession. It is simply to get at the same time as staff turnover is very high. Many feel so bad that you can not be bothered to be left, ” she says.

it is important to highlight the socialsekreterarnas experience and knowledge in the discussion of safety improvements.

the Report’s main message is that dialogue must be improved, says Eva Karsten.

” We need to listen more to those who work concretely in this environment, hearing on them based on their perspective. We must create the conditions for that social worker should be able to work with what they are supposed to work with within the social important issues.