the research Field of behavioral economics shows that we rarely take rational decisions in issues that involve uncertainties and choice among many options. We are not genetically equipped for it. And the pension scheme is characterized precisely by the uncertainty about how long one will live and the lack of predictable investment income. And you can’t get an overview of all possible options to place the pension. Education about pensions in school is not a realistic tool.

Admittedly, most people with a great ability to learn things – even if the pensions – but there is a price, and competes with other important that you have to learn.

And if not the legitimate representatives of employees and employers in different kollektivavtalsområden are not suitable to agree on the schemes best suited for their members, who is it then? The state?

the Forerunners of today’s pension systems were not a few choice and gave in general not have any options. They were also difficult to understand, but you couldn’t/lax choose. And thus there were almost no serious mistakes.

Today’s occupational pensions work, however, better than the previous in a job market where more frequently now than in the past changing employment. It is much easier to sum up the several accounts of the balance than adding up the different amounts of pensions. But today’s pension systems are considered do not, however, be easy to understand. And the more often you change employers during their life, the greater the employer has earned a pension of. The lot is a hassle.

in Addition, there are the admirable invention of Minpension.see who helps us with this. An extended right to transfer is not an adequate measure to solve a summeringsproblem.

The most stupid of the seven proposals is to ”Abolish compulsory traditional insurance.” In addition to ”the fees are low and the risk is low”, they provide better returns than unit-linked business, on average and over a long period of time. Admittedly, there are few who know this, but if you are an interested researcher, you can find out there. Instead, grundhypotesen be, that if you only get freedom of choice increases the probability that you get a better pension. Choice and competition is good – if pensionsköparna know what they are buying, but they do not know!

• Traditional insurance-based savings, is comparatively carefree and generally provides a better pension than fondförsäkringssparande.

• freedom of Choice is nice, but means, on average, lower pensions. (To choose to work long does, however, provide a better pension)

• MinPension.see is an amazing invention that helps us cope with the diversity that we probably have to live with.