The threat of hard Brexit and possible punitive tariffs of the United States on German cars unsettle Germany’s Top managers. The Ifo Index fell in February for the sixth month in a row.

The entrepreneur will always be more pessimistic: according to a survey by the Munich-based Ifo Institute, among 9,000 managers revealed, fell the Barometer for the business climate in February to 98.5 points. This is the lowest value since December 2014. Economists had expected a fall to 99.0 meters.

The German Top managers not only assess the current business situation as poor, but also the prospects for the coming six months. The sub-index of business expectations slumped to only 93.8 points.

“economic activity remains weak”

“in the German boardrooms to take more, said Ifo President Clemens Fuest, the monthly survey by the Ifo Institute. “The German economy remains weak.” The current Index and other indicators point to economic growth in the first quarter of 0.2 percent. The Federal government expects in the current year with a growth of 1.0 percent. In 2018, it had passed to 1.4 percent.

Helaba economist Patrick Boldt looks in the current February-data, no reference to a higher pace of economic growth. “The mood in the German economy cools down again,” he said. According to his assessment, particularly the uncertainties are likely to have impacted because of the threat of import tariffs on German cars.

Dax remains in the Plus

The renewed deterioration in the business climate Index, suggests that investors cold. The Dax remains around 0.3 percent in the Plus. The Euro is holding at just under 1,1345 dollars.

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