Whether or not someone deserves very, very much, or five times very, very much, is really matter. As long as it reaches someone dealing with money reasonably tidy. The social question is to be found elsewhere.

comment by Max Hägler Max Hägler

Max Hägler is a Department editor at Business. Born in Munich, studied political science there. While the civil service structure of a publishing GmbH. For the election to the Bundestag 2005 he began to report as a country correspondent for the “taz” from Bavaria. Since the summer of 2008, he is in the süddeutsche Zeitung: as a Bayern correspondent in Regensburg, and later as a business correspondent for Baden-Württemberg.

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Sahra wagenknecht, left to Thinker with growing Talent to wing-cross-wing populism, the consequences of the critique has been formulated most clearly: “more and more people need to look in the trash to Deposit, so as to, in spite of 40 years of work, their pensions.” Daimler-Chef Zetsche collect, however, 4200 Euro pension per day. The citizens should “stand up” against the “blatant injustice” and for a “social turn” to fight.

was looking For someone in the annual report of Daimler AG, the anticipated pension payments of the Executive Board, heads out, has flared up because, once again, a matter of Justice. There are actually good reasons why you can find such sums tasteless. But in this case there are also good reasons for the payments. And, ultimately, the excitement takes you over a couple of million is misleading: anyone Who complains about injustice in our society, should be different and others take in the view. And those excesses of the market economy and ownership structures that actually harm others.

at First the observation: Dieter Zetsche, the man can say after more than a decade, a good job done. He has made the car maker, which came in the previous years, mainly due to breakdowns, Taxis, and global delusions of grandeur in the headlines, the market leader. The audience likes the products, in which nearly 300 000 people work. The Job of most is quite safe because the company is well-managed because it has the technological breaks in the view, these the future, with the electrically-propelled robot car shape.

The shareholders have been raking in reliable your return with Zetsche and his colleagues resisted, sometimes to the significant pressure for higher dividends. Good work, not everyone can afford. Many know from their own environment, the counter-example: managers, through inability, lack of vision and arrogance.

But someone – even if he brings a high level of performance earn millions per year as an employee and later as a pensioner? A measure of the views of the “Manager-to-Worker Pay Ratio would be”. It is calculated that earns how many times a Manager compared to ordinary employees or workers. 2017 suit deserved Zetsche as much as 171 blue man-carrier. A panel of the blue men could join in the conversation by the way is crucial, if it would have such a Problem: The trade unions and works councils, which also sit in the Supervisory boards.

But you can’t tell you how much is too much. How difficult to answer this question is, who’s to specific limits, are looking for salaries and pensions. Wagenknecht is almost the Only one which manifests itself: in The 20 Times should be the limit. A few years ago, Zetsche said by the way, changes to the salary: One Million euros would be in order.

get Excited

However, this is not self-Modest. One or the other colleague on the Board, would rebel, because from a moral point of view at all. Then there is the question, familiar to “normal people” come quickly: I can Get more elsewhere. To change this, you would need General rules, a clear code of conduct. As long as this is not there, you can’t blame the individual managers is difficult for salary and pension. In case the excitement is not worth it anyway: If anyone deserves to be very much or five times that of a very much is no matter. As long as it reaches a Capable, of dealing with money reasonably tidy. A negative counter-example is the now retired CEO of a Bavarian Dax group. Acquired in Munich-Schwabing is a tenement house, wanted to renovate luxury, at the expense of tenant.

This and the city Council stood in the way, fortunately. It is precisely here that the justice then issues that are actually in the view: What happens with so much money? Will the beneficiaries, it is also constructive, or at least only for private pleasure or on the contrary to the detriment of Weaker? For the welfare of society, it is not really relevant how many millions gets a small Elite paid. The social issues, about the excitement worth are located apart from the salaries, they often begin there, where not more work, but only with the use of capital, new money is earned. For residential property, for example, and the exorbitant Rent, by the way, not only the Dax Board members collect. Even if these structures are much more difficult to see than the pension of an Executive Board of heads.