the Two Decisions of the US government decide to sit up and take notice last week: on the one Hand, the communication was declared a state of emergency, in order to prevent the United States from foreign Telecom companies. As if it weren’t already clear enough that the US government has, once again, the Chinese Telecom equipment manufacturer Huawei in the visor, set the Chinese company on a black list for security risks. Who wants to be with such company transactions, you need a official permission.

For months, the U.S. government is trying to make friends States to stop buy Huawei technology for its phone networks. The Argument is always the same: the Huawei was not sure, and the extended Arm of the Chinese intelligence service. Huawei denies the vehemently, and points out that back doors in the Software a much to big business would risk. That has been found up to now no such back doors, not reassured critics but. They argue that Now is perhaps not spies, but that may change in a couple of years ago with a Software Update.

So unclear, the discussion about the security of Huawei’s technology is so indisputable your advancement are the rule of law and, above all, their cheap price. Just build the latest 5G networks, Huawei is well-established vendors such as Nokia or Ericsson the life.

now, Yesterday, it became clear what the two of US Decisions mean government in practice. the Google must be set to the cooperation with Huawei. The two companies have worked together for years in Smartphones. Huawei built the device, and Google introduced the Android operating system available. Such collaborations are in the Smartphone business a normal.

Except Apple has with iOS, its own operating system, are instructed all cell phone manufacturers – especially Samsung – on Google’s Android. This open approach of Android has meant that it has become, with 2.5 billion active devices for the world’s dominant operating system. Competitors like Nokia’s Symbian or Microsoft’s Windows Phone had to capitulate.

in Addition to the operating system Google provides numerous Apps, an App store and services. These pre-installed offers have already been launched, the competition authorities of the EU on the Plan. But now they’re also targeting the U.S. government, and may in the future be offered, as well as little as security Updates on Huawei devices. Huawei and Google stressed in the first statement, that for current owners of mobile phones from Huawei or Honor (a sub-brand of the group) all as had to work. What awaits future customers, by contrast, is unclear.

What is with Microsoft?

the latest measures taken by the US government is not only affected Google. Microsoft provides with Windows, the operating system for Huawei Laptops. Until the editorial deadline, the group could not confirm whether he has to join in the Boycott as well. With Intel as the processor supplier of Huawei Laptops, but has already announced to want to be able to deliver. Also Qualcomm, another Chip manufacturer, wants to aufkünden the cooperation with Huawei. In addition to the suppliers for the mobile phone division, the trade hits the ban is also the company’s, the Huawei’s network division, with ingredients around mobile phone masts supplied.

Non-US firms are affected: the German Chip may manufacturer Infineon supply in the future, not in the USA manufactured products to Huawei. The majority of the group’s products will continue to be delivered to Huawei. How Huawei can handle this delivery stops, will show the next months. On the one hand, the group is likely to have filled for the sake of safety the bearing with parts from the USA. On the other hand, Huawei has invested in recent years large sums of money in the research and development of proprietary components. When it comes to Software, the group has a Plan B: the Huawei has its own operating system in the hindquarters. Whether this can keep up with the competition, you must show up.

Also open the question of whether and how this new operating system with Android Apps in harmony is. The attempt to stamp a own App Ecosystem with developers, and an online store from the ground have failed in recent years, well-known tech companies such as Microsoft, Nokia, Blackberry or Palm.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 20.05.2019, 20:56 PM