“Now retired ”new” housing allowance”

“Has your housing allowance changed?nJust now get tens of thousands of retired new decisions about their housing supplement to the pension, because the pension Authority takes in data such as interest rate and aktieinkomster automatically.”

“the Rules for bostadstillägget of the pension system is complicated. The appendix is a part of the system for those with low pensions. To get right to the money may not have great wealth or earn too much, and all income shall be counted and will be updated as soon as anything changes.”

“Also, income from capital, which can be changed every year.”

“do not have to tell every year.”

“– There is such income as interest, dividends and capital gains, ” says Liselott Keinprecht, as well as Authority.”

“so Far, the pensioners had the right to declare this to the relevant Authority as soon as incomes changed. It has been difficult, and not worked particularly well, according to Liselott Keinprecht.”

“– 40% of the 286 000 pensioners with housing supplement stated capital income. There is everything from a few dollars in interest income to greater amounts, such as capital gains from real estate sales. If you do not change their income, so is the old left.”

“Many have failed to change their income, and in some cases, where the differences have been large, retirees forced to pay back money that they received too much,” she says. Though it also happens that they get too little in housing allowance.”

“– But from the 1 november last year, new rules, we collect the data automatically from the Tax office. It is a simplification, you do not have to declare the property income that could change every year, ” she says.”

“the Pensioners national organization (PRO) thinks that the reform is good.”

“– this is safer. In the past it has been so that either you have entered too little or too much and so it has become a refund, ” says PRO vice-president Jan Andersson, and adds:” the

“– the Gathering takes place automatically, and I don’t know if the issue of privacy has been lifted, but I can’t see that there is something in this context.”

“at Least 120 000 sheep changed the amount.”

“It is done for the first time this year. Now in the summer, has so far over 50 000 people received the amended housing allowance.”

“the Next big game with the retranslation of the bostadstillägget will take place in september, as the Tax authority takes a new decision on the final capital in August.”

“– Then the forecast that 70 000 pensioners will receive a new decision.”

“Yet it is not possible to say how many had major differences in their decisions, or who completely lost their housing allowance.”

“– The decision that only differ a little bit from the past, ” says Liselott Keinprecht.”

“the Facts: the Convoluted rules for housing supplement”