Biathlon outfit president Kalle Lähdesmäki trying to silence the media, write Pokljukasta Santtu Silvennoinen.Kalle Lähdesmäki era biathlon union at the helm has not been flattering. Santtu Silvennoinen


They are not, even if the biathlon was scored by processing operations and invest in coaching.

. In practice, only a year in 2016-18 at the helm was Antti leppävuori in the era of mass Mäkäräinen behind take a small step forward.

biathlon union is not the top factor for particularly attractive jobs: positions of trust are the old guys are arguing with each other and with operational responsibility in the boys suffering lord – and the media fear .

ampumahiiht own team has enjoyed throughout the 2010s, the substantial media visibility, while the species has been yle’s sports flagship product, and Finland’s largest sports websites in the evening paper and the Evening-said to have set the public a considerable amount of the story.

. This is the worst was through 2016-17, when the ski cap was missing the main sponsor until February. the Year 2018, the association received funding in only 430 000 euros. For comparison, the ski federation fund-raising from sponsors cross-country skiing is about 1.5 million .

biathlon association chose at the beginning of November Lähdesmäki gang to continue. the some of the clubs had thrown in the towel, and the federal assembly have been like a handful of people . Lähdesmäki trying to silence criticism of the various sleight of hand.

the most significant is the steep tilted feel kontiolahti direction. Bay and grizzly bay are last year been racing in Finland organised the world cup races I host. Bay stadium area improvements and repairs are on ice, when biathlon union has not become the slightest signal that the blockade back in future, we could arrange the species of major events.

Last season the biathlon association is ministry of education and culture according to the submitted grant application by the deadline, so it was left without a 240 000 eur. The federal budget is 1.24 million, so the lost amount is appreciable. the Union executive director Antti Afflekt was put in the yard soon after the events, although the responsibility for the application of the chairman of the board .

biathlon federation according to the application sent on time, so it judicially.

Now Kalle is trying to fool you to follow, that he is a plucky fighter association on behalf by taking the matter to court. The money will go to again just add and add, when it is driving really hard class lawyer, an insider told .

Lähdesmäki attempts to control the media in the soviet union in spirit. the on Tuesday in Slovenia, held the Finnish team’s press conference it was announced that the athletes get to ask union related questions, but they should be directed to the biathlon federation management . The background must have been the evening paper of November in the story, with a few national team athlete criticized the high deductibles.

Years ago, Östersund world cup time Lähdesmäki require rectification peaceful biathlon journalism preferred from the said bay Karjalainen. In north Karelia still does not understand the adjustment reason for the quote change after the substance remains unchanged .