The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Huawei checked the joint research projects with the controversial Chinese company. “In close consultation with the Federal Ministry of education and research, all projects of a substantive case to be subjected to examination,” said a spokesman on request from the daily mirror-Newsletter “Background digitisation”. If it could come – as they now in many US Unis to the end of the cooperation, leaving open the speaker.
With Huawei cooperates, among others, the Fraunhofer Institute for open communication systems in Berlin on intelligent transport systems, the project was first announced in October. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, with its 72 locations in Germany, the largest research organizations for applied research in Europe.
“Internal Reflection,” to Huawei at the RWTH Aachen
At the RWTH Aachen University speech is available on request from “internal Considerations” to Huawei. “Decisions of the bodies it is currently,” according to a spokeswoman. Other great German universities – the Technical universities in Berlin and Munich, and the Karlsruhe Institute for technology (KIT) – don’t want to review their cooperation with Huawei. The TU Berlin refers to a framework for your projects with Huawei: research results would be published, often as Open Source. In addition, you make sure that with the cooperation of European law applies.
The KIT is a Huawei Partner in Smart Dat Innovation Lab and the Software Campus, as the Institute tells. “According to the current state in the cooperation with Huawei is no evidence that would permit a contrary assessment, and questioning of the cooperation,” said the KIT-speaker. This is also the attitude of the TU Munich. She has completed according to their own information since 2013, a number of cooperation agreements with Huawei Technologies GmbH, Düsseldorf, mostly in the engineering Sciences. On average, they are endowed with 150,000 euros per year, “relatively low”, as a spokesman announced.
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, The company sees no signs of a German Partner to draw back
A spokesman from Huawei Germany said on request, the company will see “no signs that German partners want to pull out of the cooperation in the field of research”. Huawei have carried out in Germany since 2006, with some 20 universities and institutes in more than 120 research collaborations. You stand, particularly in Germany, are in constant exchange about new projects with external partners, as in Munich, the largest European research center of the company is located. What sums Huawei has already invested in German universities, was not to learn.
Several American universities, however, already at a distance, to Huawei and the Chinese telecommunications and network equipment manufacturer ZTE. Last Wednesday, the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (mit) had declared, in a Letter to his scientists, it will conclude new partnerships with Huawei or ZTE, and existing not to renew, such as the “South China Morning Post” reported. The reasoned that, therefore, with the indictment of the US judicial authority against Huawei. They are accused of Huawei, to have trade secrets stolen, to have sanctions against China, and banks lied to. The WITH is part of the Huawei Innovation Research Program (HIRP), a global research initiative of Huawei. Like Huawei, the company is ZTE in the U.S. suspected to be a risk for the Cyber security of the country.
Many US universities put their collaborations on ice
U.S. government agencies and their contractors since the spring of 2018, the use of Huawei devices. In addition, there is now a default, the authorities prohibit all of US-to conclude contracts with companies that belong to the Chinese state controlled by it, or even be influenced.
The Stanford University had already declared the beginning of February, to for the time being, no new cooperation with Huawei. The University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Minnesota had placed their cooperation with Huawei in February to ice. Before Berkeley had a Huawei System for Video-conferences from the Campus, as reported by Reuters.
In Germany, the company also awards scholarships to students
In Germany, Huawei is at the universities that go beyond existing collaborations present. So Huawei 2013 has been awarded to students of the RWTH Aachen University of the West scholarships in March of 2017, students were able to go in the “Huawei-student program” of the RWTH on a “free-of-China-tour”. The Career Center of Karlsruhe, KIT invited in April 2018, to a “lecture” in the Huawei for its job offers, it could advertise. There is also “a member of the Business Club, according to KIT Huawei”.
Also in the promotion of doctoral Huawei is active in the Team of the chair for media technology at TU Munich two external PhD students, who come from Huawei Germany. At the TU Berlin, the company is one of the industrial partners of the subject area database systems and information management, the BMBF-funded program “Software Campus” IT-projects and grants to graduate students.
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The technology giant from China is a risk, or partners such as Huawei, the German policy edits
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This Text was first published in of decision-Briefing daily mirror Background of digitalization & KI.